Not that I’m counting…

…but I have 15 days of school left. Sixteen if you count my contract day on the 4th of June.

Honestly, I don’t know how I feel about it. Glad, I guess (you can be sure the students are). But what’s in store for me in the summer? Some good things — great, actually — and some not so good:

  1. 5 June: Going to Columbus for the day with Hannah and New Grandson, so she can attend a series of meetings and still have the baby nearby for when he gets hungry. A whole day, almost uninterrupted, with New Grandson and his great aunt Mavis…joy. Good.
  2. 21-26 June: On the faculty for the Heartland Vocal Camp for Jazz & Pop Singers at Tiffin University. Should be great fun — a week of working with young pop/jazz singers, and singing with a hot band every night. No suckage there. Good.
  3. 13-15 July: Speaking at the Nebraska American Choral Directors Association conference at Doane College, near Lincoln. Mighty fun. Good.
  4. Every other available minute: studying. Um…not so good.

I always gotta go and ruin it, don’t I?

Fink, stressed

PS – text message from Hannah: doc says baby can arrive any day now. That’s a good thing!

11 thoughts on “Not that I’m counting…

  1. Stein

    I can tell you that I’m personally glad to have survived through my first year of teaching. I am glad to have become a part of the community and have been able to present bands with class. It has been great to work with you and will only get better as I have more time (and prior knowledge) with which to plan for the oncoming year(s).

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      You’ve had quite the first year and you’ve come out of it looking and sounding great, Steinbeast. I loved the concert — especially the “Halo” thing. Well, that, and the Fabs medley, of course. Being the “new guy” is never easy, especially when you’re a first-year new guy. Hang in there with me!

      1. BoomR

        RE: Being the “new guy” is never easy… Someday, Madame RF should regale you with tales of my first year at AHS… make sure there’s plenty of therapeutic chocolate and/or alcohol…

        1. Rat Fink Post author

          Ugh…that was awful, I know. Who did you replace? DJ? If that wasn’t like walking in the sandals of Christ…

  2. Alastair Daphne

    You need to scrape some of that studying off your plate and make room for the Godfather Part III! (if you can that is)

  3. Krissy

    Seniors only have 6 days left unless you count exams. Then we have 8 days. I am pumped! Did I tell you about my scholarship?

  4. BoomR

    You forgot to add: Visit BoomR in Dallas with your new MacBook – get free Mac lessons & other Mac goodies!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Oo yeah…I must say I can’t wait to get my grubby little paws on that thing. Then I will sit and just admire it. Look at it. Pet it. Because I will have no earthly clue what to do with it next.

      I think the district should finance a trip down to Big D to see my Mac guru for “training.” Don’t ya think, sweetness?

      1. BoomR

        I know better than that… you’ll have it figured out in NO time… But I still like the district-financed trip to the Big D :-)


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