One Chicago team down…


The Thriller will be upset if the White Sox are eliminated today.

RD – so sorry about your Cubs, my man. What’s 100 years between friends, eh? Blah. But, as Jim Hendry said last night, there’s always….nah, don’t say it.

Of course, I could join you in your misery swim, you know. The Dodgers can be added to the ever-lengthening list of championship teams whose rosters have players that the Cleveland Indians didn’t see fit to keep. Heck, Casey Blake just got a big quote on this morning. He’s out there in LA now, with his good friend Manny Ramirez.

And the Sox are going to need a little help from former Tribe player Jim Thome if they’re going to think about Game 4. As the Thriller is wont to say: “If they can’t hit ’em out of the park, they can’t win the game.” Ok, Jimmy, it’s time to do your thing, or I am going to have to make myself really scarce this evening.

Plans for the day: breakfast with BoomR, then off to the school house for some work, then go shopping to buy birthday presentses.

Fink out. Erm….go White Sox. Blech.

3 thoughts on “One Chicago team down…

  1. Stein

    I love the Cubs, despite my loyalty to the Reds. However, I HATE the sox. Both of them, red and white. I want the Tampa Bay Rays (devil exorcised) to win it all, preferably against the Phillies now that those sad Cubbies are gone. GO RAYS!

  2. Rat Fink Post author

    Oh that’s nice, Stein. Way to go. Now the Thriller will show up at all band concerts with a bass drum of his own.



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