First: If you’re going to psychoanalyze this show, or point out its occasional (OK, habitual) stretches with regard to realism, or if you’re going to snark on about how it’s basically historically inaccurate with regard to the role of cable news and competition and ratings share, or Aaron Sorkin’s dreamland interpretation of Committed, Serious People Doing the News for the Greater Good, then maybe you shouldn’t watch it.
However, if you want some gosh dang great acting, and kick-arse, awesome rapid-fire dialogue in a series that makes you wonder where the heck the last hour went — you should definitely watch The Newsroom (Sundays, 10 p.m. on HBO). The opening scene was among the most enjoyable five minutes I’ve ever witnessed on TV.
The lead character, cynical news anchor Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels, in a curmudgeonly, crusty role that will hopefully make everyone on earth forget Dumb and Dumber forever), sits on a panel discussion at Northwestern University, and the moderator — clearly becoming frustrated with McAvoy’s non-answers — goads him into answering an uncomfortable question, which launches him into an absolutely delicious rant (warning: profanity).
Who cares if the last 90 seconds were a bit pie-in-the-sky (um, going to war for “moral” reasons??)? It was great theater, and I loved it. I was entertained. See, that’s the problem sometimes: people inexplicably confuse entertainment with real-world thinking. Now I’m all for realistic renderings of current events, and truthfully, Sorkin doesn’t quite deliver the goods. For instance, the show focuses on the day of the Gulf Coast oil rig explosion. Supposedly, every other network was calling it a search-and-rescue mission, while only the dynamic, greenhorn twenty-somethings in McAvoy’s newsroom saw the real environmental consequences, and ran with it on-air to produce a truly compelling, dramatic newscast. But hey, I forgive them that. Why? Because it’s great television. That, and I’m not a pretentious schmuck who whines when I’m not intellectually edified by an hour of play-acting. Hello.
But it’s still art, and that’s what’s gratifying. If it makes people mad, great. If it makes people think, greater. If it amazes and fulfills and entertains — fantastic. That’s what art is supposed to do.
The only trouble I have with the suspension of disbelief is Sorkin’s choice for the young, irresistible romantic female for whose affections men are seemingly willing to throw down. Allison Pill is a fine actor, and does the confused-but-intelligent intern thing really well, but...gorgeous? Not so much. That’s a little thing, though. I know I’m not pretentious, but let’s not ruin it by instead being shallow.
Still, it was totally enjoyable, and I’m not kidding when I tell you I looked at the clock and could not believe it was 10:55 already. For some, the show will seem like a kind of amalgam; a case of House meets The Network. To me, that’s part of its charm. It’s a keeper in my book.
On the Rat-O-Meter scale of five cheeses, I give The Newsroom:
Oh, you’re so good to us that you don’t even realize! Right now, we’re stuck shifting between True Blood (on Mondays) then alternating between the show “Merlin” and starting from scratch with “24”, which I never watched much of until the 7th or 8th season. Also, in 20-minute intervals, we started from scratch with Tosh.0, for humor. Among the shows we’ve started from scratch, they include The Practice, The Shield, Boston Legal, MadMen, Nurse Jackie… etc. Jeff has gone through Weeds and The Wire while I have my precious West Wing. Fantasies aside, I love me some Aaron Sorkin. Don’t even get me started about movie series we’ve watched/plan to go through — (watched: Star Wars, Back to the Future, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter. Currently: James Bond [from the beginning of, I think, 24 films]… then, um… Star Trek [from the beginning of 11 films]…)
By the way, we were sitting here reading your post this morning (becoming intrigued by the 4 of 5 cheeses), and I ALMOST clicked on the youtube video of the opening scene. That would be a no-no in our house! At the end of “Merlin”, there are always scenes from the next episode… and one of us starts to sing or make loud noises until the other one can find the remote.
I should also mention that I plan to sneak Batman series between James Bond and Star Trek… only because a new movie is coming out for Batman soon.
I’m sure that’s the ONLY reason…. . . . .
Yeah, I’ll bet that’s the only reason!
I love picking up movies and series from the very beginning of the run. You’ve actually sat through On Her Majesty’s Secret Service?? *YAwN* LOL
Well if you’re a Sorkin fan (of course you are, West Wing duh), you will dig the heck out of this new series. It’s a must-see.
Have you watched the MM season finale yet? (Have you, BoomR? Bando?) I need to talk to somebody about it!