Say thankya

THANK YOU to my faithful and kind Finkites (all 90 or so of you, worldwide, yeaaaah boiiiiii) who grace this place with your eyeballs every morning. A bigger thank-you to all who leave comments, because, as you know, the insecure artist screaming love meeee needs that on a regular basis.

And now, since I don’t want to leave anything missing from your holiday RtB visit (*snicker*):

:-) Off to make the cherry cobbler…

14 thoughts on “Say thankya

  1. Mavis

    Happy Thanksgiving, Birdicus!! Thank YOU for the years of blogging genius! My morning doesn’t seem complete until after I’ve visited RtB. Sort of like reading the paper over coffee each morning – have ta do it! :-) So, I say – thankya! Oh, and see you at 1. LOVE YOU!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Why thankee-sai, sister! (Did you know there’s a new Dark Tower book coming out? A prequel!) Thanks for reading my drivel every day — you’re one of the few, the proud, the golden!

      The Thriller will arrive at your manse at 1 — can’t wait to taste the pie!

  2. BoomR

    Now why do I get the impression that the cookie pictured came from a Wal-Mart bakery? LOL Happy Thanksgiving to you & the Thriller, to Mavis, and all the rest of the family that will be gathered ’round your table later this afternoon! ((BIG HUGS)) all around from the Big D!

    xoxoxo Luv U!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Bakeries definitely need someone on staff who takes care of grammatical QC. Hey, that’s a job WE wouldn’t mind having, as long as there was daily sampling written into our contracts. HAR

      Love you (and BV) too! Hope you guys have a super day, whatever you end up doing.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thank you, Lori — it has been fabulous reconnecting with you! Now you’re stuck with me, of course. :P Have a great Thanksgiving and say hi to Mr. T for me.

  3. Rae

    Not to make a comment on your comic genius… but, personally, I would have left one of the “b”s out of cherry cobbler. Just for the effect. :)

  4. Meg

    Much love to you this day, Rat Finky! I hope you have a super day full of family and…cherry cobbler. :)
    And I second Mavis’s comment although your blog is an evening read for me as it is about impossible for me to read anything in the morning because I am…studying.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Meggly! Good to hear from you, luv. And in about a hundred years, your studying days will be over, so take heart.

      Haaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha KIDDING

      Love you! Enjoy this time with your awesome ma, who I never get to see anymore. :-(

  5. Bando

    I’m a day late because of being back home, but HAPPY THANKSGIVING, anyway!

    Nice cake….I immediately thought of Aaron and Brittany! Don’t suppose it was for them, though…..Well – I have much kitchen prep to get done for our mini-feast here tomorrow. Enjoy this weekend and decorating with the J’s.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Have fun tomorrow, Bando! And I actually posted that photo on Aaron’s wall last Thanksgiving. :-) They got a kick out of it.

      Happy weekend — the madness starts Tuesday!


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