I call the last four school days The Week What Would Not End. And here we are at Finkday, and it’s still not over.
Lately, there has been much frustration in my world, on many fronts. Just about all fronts, actually. Good thing the Thriller provides comic relief, or I’d have likely committed some flavor of misdemeanor by now.
Why, why, why do we give others permission to do such damage to our brains and emotions, when we know darn good and well that the other party (the one doing the damage) is hardly affected at all? It’s the cruelest form of self-flagellation. I call a stop to it.
Know what I need to do? Spend tonight getting some work done, then have some fun tomorrow night with the Js at our sleepover. Instant therapy. Then Sunday, I need to cook; update the Comfort Foodie blog. I have three or four recipes in the queue, so it’s time to get on it. Cooking/baking always makes me feel better. Beats the heck out of wasting time bemoaning my fate — especially when my fate includes so many wonderful people and situations.
There. Done.
Hey, thanks for the texts, Facebook comments and emails about beau chien Rousseau. His surgery went well, and both tumors were successfully removed and sent to the lab. It was a distinct relief and pleasure to wrap his evening pain pill in some bread and feed it to him last night, after which I watched him slide into sleepyville. He’s still upstairs with the Thriller, sawing lumber. I hope he has a better day today.
I hope I do too. Oy.
Off we go, all of us. It’s almost the weekend! (even though it’ll never get here)
Fink, eternal optimist
Happy Weekend, Finkster!! Spending it with a dog, a Thriller, and 2 Js sounds loverly. Enjoy!!
XOXOXOXO * smewch*
Me? I am walking a 25k tomorrow. If it doesn’t rain I will be OK.
Tonight popcorn and a beer is on the agenda. Lekker!
So how did the walk go!??! What an inspiration you are (and hey, I need some right about now). We need to catch up!
Off to my breakfast of HB egg, toast and fruit. LEKKER
Well it rained the first 2 hours which wasn’t nice but later it stopped and we managed to finish. Came home to freshly brewed coffee and some goodies from the baker, and some tulips as a reward.
LEKKER your breakfast, I eat about the same thing for breakfast.
Have fun tonight with the Js! I am off for the evening.
XOXOXO *smewch*
You made it to the weekend!!! Leave all those “other” things outside the door and pour all you’ve got into Pup, Thriller and the J’s! We all love you and are on your side, sweetness. Everything else is just JUNK!
Enjoy, my dearest. I love you very much!!!
Yay, the weekend’s finally here! I wish it was all fun & games. I just think that as the end of this year approaches, I’m backed more and more into a corner, timewise. I’m relieved beyond belief that we’re moving the musical to another date next year. I don’t think I could take this schedule again! Love you Mave — have a great weekend!