As much as I love my job, I’m incredibly grateful to have this little break.
Mavis’s birthday feast was a grand time last night; yay for leftover chicken pot pie — packing lunch was easy today! Now it’s the push to Thanksgiving, which, this year, is going to be a snap. All the kids go every which way for Thanksgiving week, hitting several in-laws’ and grandparents’ homes, while we host the evening meal. This year, we’re just having ham and mashed potatoes, as opposed to decking out a huge turkeybird that some members of the family will eat for the third time in two days. We’re planning to be just a bit different.
And I don’t mind telling you that not having to get the fowl, dress it, make stuffing and gravy, make sure we have the necessary trimmings, and have the Thriller spend 15 minutes carving the carcass doesn’t bother us in the least. We sprang the idea on everyone last night at the feast, and all were A-OK with it, so…yippy. A largely stress-free Thanksgiving. Mavis and I will have it easy, which makes me all the more thumbs-up for my short school week.
I’m enjoying it while it lasts, because after Thanksgiving….oi.
Looks like most of us (at least in the states — sorry Suzanne! ) have a short week of some flavor or another. Enjoy!
Save the turkeys! Eat more ham!! It’s going to be a wonderful Thanksgiving! I pray that all of your readers have a good one, as well. Oh, and YAY for short weeks!!!
Yay, indeed! Seamus even suggested ham sandwiches…hmmm…..
YUMMIE on the ham idea!
…and happy B’day to Madame Mavis! **SMEWCH**
Hey, whaddya you guys doing for Thanksgiving? Eating with friends? Going out?
Not sure what we’re gonna do. BV was talking about making PIZZA fer cripes sakes! LOL We have a yearly standing invite to a big pot-luck at some friends’ place up the road. We may just do that
Thanks BoomR! Smewches and Hugs right back atcha!
Save the pigs, eat salad! hahaha. Nope no short week for me, oh well! I do miss Thanksgiving the most….
Ewww, rabbit food!! ICK!
Yeah yuck! I am thinking I might go to the butcher and see if he can rustle me up a “kalkoenrollade” or turkey pieces rolled up all nice and tight. Then I can have some toikey too! Have fun with with all the preparations!