
Up at 3 a.m. and don’t feel like working? Why, that’s the best time to hit StumbleUpon. (Also classified as a catch-all portal to “Do NOT Go Here” sites.)

Ever wonder what happened to “Uh-Oh” Oreos, Keebler Magic Middles, or black Mountain Dew, or Butterfinger BBs? They all went to that junk food pantry in the sky. Bummer. I loved Keebler Magic Middles.


Now this. This is a hobby, by crackie.

Someone posted in the comments that they’d like to see a video of this process. It’s fascinating to me; I’d like to see one, too.

Are they still legal tender if they’re all hoboed up?


How many times did you watch this before the coolness factor wore off?


I have to buy this book. Wow.


Martha Stewart’s Apple Pie Cake for Christmas Eve? I think so.


History buffs, I’m warning you: Do NOT go here.

There are hundreds of pictures in categories like:

~ “Construction of…” (in this case, the Eiffel Tower)
~ “Evolution of…”
~ “Through the Lens of…”
~ “Things That Time Forgot”

Plan on spending some quality time being a Retronaut.

And speaking of quality time, mine’s almost over. It is Finkday, however, so there’s some consolation in that. Big weekend planned around these parts.

PS — OMG. I SO READ THIS AS AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT! They passed them out in school, when I was maybe in the 2nd or 3rd grade. Scared me to death. All I could think of for the next few days (weeks, decades) was the picture of the kid under the train, and “Bill lost an eye, and Joe lost a leg.” Horrifying.

3 thoughts on “Stumbly

  1. PKPudlin

    Holy moley. Can you imagine the backlash if those fliers were passed out today? I don’t remember getting that, but I certainly can see where it would leave impressions, and not good ones…. yeesh….


  2. Rat Fink Post author

    I know, right?? I couldn’t believe it when I saw someone had actually saved one of those. All these weird memories (fears) came back to my mind, like it was yesterday I opened it and got so spooked.

    And the drawing of the supposed trapped child in the refrigerator…those images would be BANNED in any school district today. I guess it did have some effect — I never once was tempted to play in an abandoned fridge!


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