…until the Odyssey.
It was great to read about all of your plans for the summer a few days back. How exciting! As our trip gets closer, details are piling up. It would have really helped to not have had my financial life compromised by felons. Fools. Fie could find out where you live…But all is well, and all funds have been restored, account numbers changed, new card arriving soon, blah. It’s over, until the next time.
So we took a side trip to Greektown Casino the other day because they offered us some money and free food/hotel, and the stars in the video poker heavens aligned, sending us home with considerably more clams than we took up there. Huzzah. Some went to savings for the trip, some went into the bank for bills, and I put a little towards clothes. And what did the Thriller buy?
After the Js left yesterday morning, he went to work. Five hours later, my carpets smell like new (which is a delight indeed, since Rousseau got sick the other night…*erk*). They couldn’t look nicer if we’d paid $500 to Stanley Steemer or Rug Doctor. Awesomely awesome. (Though I won’t ask him to do the furniture, since it’s Fathers Day. Tomorrow, however, is not…)
I hope you’re all doing something fun for Fathers Day, even if it’s a long-overdue phone call. We’re having an informal dinner tonight — kind of an open house, since our kids have other dads and dads-in-law to visit. Nice, relaxing day planned. I hope the same for you, fiends. Happy Sumday.