I noticed on my WP dashboard this morning that we’ve been quite chatty over the past 3 years and 8 months:
Wow. Six thousand, six hundred sixty. And that is precisely why I embarked on this little Odyssey. If you’ll notice, there are no sidebar ads screaming at you. Most 3rd-party blogs — that is, WordPress blogs that run on individual servers like finkweb.org, as opposed to the free service that WordPress.com offers — are overrun with ads. They blog for money.
I blog for love. Comment love.
So, regulars and lurkers (ask me how I know you’re out there), let’s begin: What’s been a major highlight for you this week? I look forward to responding to your comment love with comment love.
I’ll start. My major highlight begins tonight, when I have dinner with baby boy Lars, and continues tomorrow night when the Js come for a quick sleepover visit. Delight.
OK, commence with the snappy repartee. Crow. Brag. Celebrate. Honk. Ready, steady, go.
The highlight of my week was that at our kids’ marching band ourscored our biggest “friendly” rivals this week and was ranked number 2 in state polls for the first time ever! These kids work sooo hard and always have an amazing show. This week they’re finally getting recognized for it!
On another note, I LOVE your blog. The low point of my week is when I discover that you haven’t had time to post on a particular day! (It’s okay, I understand!)
Congratulations to the band, Lori! I see the occasional post about them on Facebook — you must be very proud. Are you on staff? I know you have a music ed degree.
Thanks for reading my little blogette every day. I’m delighted you enjoy it! I really need it for a daily diversion, and I feel off-balance when I don’t get to it.
Not on staff– I only went two years to AC (AU, whatever). I’m “just” a very proud band mom. Todd and I are booster presidents this year. What I’ll do when it’s all over remains a mystery. Todd says I’ll cry a lot.
The highlight of my week to date was having a day of 7th grade choir yesterday when I didn’t want to BTTH anyone. (It’s been a slow week) However, the real highlight is coming up on Saturday when my son is doing his first fun run – he is incredibly excited for it. I hope it gets his five year old brain off of football and onto an activity he’s better built for.
Glad you posted today – I’m home with Little Miss S and her probable double ear infection – not like I have concert prep to do or anything.
Poor Miss S!
Choirs can wait, though, right? Especially 7th grade. What’s a fun run? And a 5-year-old who thinks about football … sounds great to me, unless he’s thinking about it instead of cleaning his room or putting his toys away, ha.
Hope S gets to feeling better, poor little thing. I loved the picture of her on FB yesterday – she’s getting so big!
My highlight so far was last night; my neighbors – social butterflies who seem to have no classes – were quiet *before* four a.m.! (It was still after two-thirty, but progress is progress). The Roommate and I have had to ask them to be quiet nearly every day this week.
Maim. Destroy.
Kiddies enjoying their first time away from Mommy & Daddy. Only good thing is they’ll probably wash out …
I can relate, Skylar! The highlight of my MONTH, though, is that they finally moved out!!! I would jump for joy if I could physically do it!
Speaking of….another highlight for me – I did my physical therapy in record time, yesterday! I’m getting stronger. I am woman, hear me groan!
Back to highlights. I need some in my hair. Seriously, though, I have to say that, my day is always started with your blog, Bird. Thanks for being part of my decaf coffee break every day. One doesn’t wake me up, but the other sure does! Keep it up! Love you tons!
Yay for good PT! Yay for getting stronger! Yay for getting rid of the Mullet People! I’ll be out your way at around 4:45 today to go pick up the boys, so let me know if you need me to pick up anything for you. Love you – how fantastic you’re getting more strength and fewer annoying neighbors! HA
The highlight of my week to date was that I get to spend a few minutes talking to a good friend yesterday!! This friend is my email BFF so it is always a treat when we get to talk face to face!
Too few minutes, if you ask me! It was great seeing you — and you’re right, we don’t do that often enough, EBFF. Here’s to a headache-free Friday (in *every* way!).
Highlight was that the presentation I had for class went very well. The professor kinda gushed.
Awesome, Will. What was the presentation about? Obviously, you nailed it. Accomplishment is one of those great, and all-too-infrequent feelings. Love it.
It was for my Business Writing class. We had to present on a career we researched. My group decided to do it in the form of a talk show. Since much of it was acting, I think I did a good job.
Highlight of my week was the release of the new Jack’s Mannequin album The Glass Passanger. I’ve seen them live more times than I can count, and anytime they release new music it’s always a good thing.
I just listened to “Swim.” Nice. Swim for the lost politicians, who don’t see their greed as a flaw. Brilliant!
I’m trying to hear an influence…??