TBS Pipeline

So get this:

Recently, I was contacted by the public relations department at the TBS television network in Atlanta. Turns out, RtB has been showing up on somebody’s screen down there. They asked me if I was interested in previewing some of their upcoming shows before they air, and writing about them here. I might even get to interview some of the talent.

How about that? I am the luckiest fink in the world. I’m also probably one of many people like this, but hey, it still sounds like fun.

The Thriller asked me what I got out of the deal. Well, a huge kick, for one thing. A possible occasional link on the TBS site for another. After that, who knows…

So, with the introduction out of the way, here’s a look at what’s in the early stages of production at TBS:

Valerie Bertinelli to Star in TBS Comedy

Remember Valerie from the 70s sitcom, One Day at a Time, where she played one of the daughters of single mom Bonnie Franklin? I wanted to be her. Actually, she and I were/are a lot alike: the same age, built the same, same emotional and physical struggles.

News is that Valerie is currently filming an as-yet-untitled pilot for TBS, where she plays — a-ha — a single mother of two. Her husband abandons the family and she is left with the task of running a lumber yard and keeping her kids and her sanity intact.

Michael Wright, senior veep for the Content Creation Group for TBS, TNT and TCM says:

Between Valerie’s comic skills and [writer/exec producer] Dave Caplan’s highly relatable humor, we’re very excited to watch this pilot take shape.”

Well, me three. Count me in. No word on the premiere date yet. I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything.

Valerie Bertinelli is a serendipitous choice for me this week, as Mavis and I are concluding a summer of self-transformation. [For those new to Finkville, Mavis is my only, and older, sister.] We have both struggled with food issues all our lives, and finally took control of it this summer.

I want to read Valerie’s new book. Talk about transformation! Sheesh…I’ll add it to the stack of eight that I’m trying to get to, while at the same time getting ready for school to start, finally finishing that evil orchestration project, spending time with Jake, and hating on eBay.

So watch for [Funny Show Title Here] from TBS, starring Valerie Bertinelli. I imagine I will have updates on the show — and other shows in the works at TBS — from time to time. Keep it tuned to RtB.

Fink out (to the kitchen to make the quiche for Heidi’s shower — yummy).

3 thoughts on “TBS Pipeline

  1. Rat Fink Post author

    @ Sam – thanks! Just bring it to school sometime – maybe around October I’ll get around to the bottom of my present stack of to-reads. Appreciate it!

    @ Meg – thanks, girly! (My birthday is actually Monday, so you’re right on time!)


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