TGIF indeed

And while I’m not really sure why I’m so hap-hap-happy it’s Friday, given the amount of work I have to do this weekend (and no sleepover with the Js), I’m glad to have gotten through it all the same. Aren’t you? It’s another week closer to summer fun.

The time is coming when I will feel the need to rant about the upcoming changes in the teacher evaluation system. I feel it like an underground lava river. I posted this cartoon on Facebook last night:

Truthfully? That’s the gist of the thing. But I won’t get into it now. Just wanted to bring your kind attention to the “drive-by” aspect of this debacle. I will also be affected somehow, but they don’t know how yet. I don’t think they know what to do with us (specialists), since our subject is not tested at the state level. I imagine some edspeak robot will come up with a way to funnel the essence of singing, acting and dancing into an extended response question. Atta boys.

Hey, I said I wasn’t going to yammer about this today. It’s payday! Yay!   :mrgreen: It’s time to pay bills now! Boo!  :evil:

Happy Finkday, fiends — hugs all around.

5 thoughts on “TGIF indeed

  1. Mavis

    Your picture depicts the truth, unfortunately. Better days are ahead, sweets! What a grand time you and the Thriller are going to have this summer! Keep your eyes on that prize, luv. So, have I lifted your spirits at all? :-)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yes you did, Mavis, and thank you sis! I am indeed looking forward to summer. And the summer after that, and the summer after that, and…


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Jaxtron 9000 — More than meets the eye. Abandon hope, all ye who spew the edspeeks and the buzzwerds. I got yer stakeholders, value-added instruction, rubrics, and *gag* musicking right here.


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