The morning after the night before

Chief Boo Hoo

Chief Boo Hoo

And we all said, “Wait until next year.”

The more I think about last night’s crushing defeat, the more I think it was probably for the best. While I wish the Indians could have gone deeper into the playoffs, they truthfully don’t possess the “full package” required to get bigger jobs done. Translation: we need clutch bats, and right now, we don’t have them. We could have won, oh, two-three against the Red Sox, but I doubt it would have gone much further. And until and unless we can beat Detroit…

Still, it was a thrilling September for Cleveland baseball fans. For the first time since 1997 (when the Tribe lost the Series to another Florida team), I can honestly say that “waiting until next year” isn’t so terrible.

Waiting for the weekend, however, is pretty much unbearable right now. Bring it!

Sleepless Fink

6 thoughts on “The morning after the night before

  1. Mavis

    :-( So sorry about the Tribe, sweetie. Even I was getting into the excitement! They definitely need a little “tweaking”. If they can get the kinks worked out, next year looks pretty promising! We’ll hang our caps up for the Indians for now, but let’s keep our helmets on for the Browns! ;-)

    Come on weekend – my sistah needs some down time!!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Agreed on all fronts, Mave — helmets on for tonight! *crossing everything*

      We need to have a lunch date; I haven’t seen you for 900 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. David

    Scintillating analysis of the Tribes woe there Ms Fink, quite well stated! (You are right up there with Peter King as my favorite, will not miss morning read!) For the Brewers, of our home State, they consider it a winning season if they finish ahead of the Cubs….Go Brew Crew!

    Home Sweet Home … Though I am not sure what day it is nor the time. :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      To be mentioned in the same sentence as Peter King — yee haw! I need to brush up on my NFL analysis skills…

      So get your Scotland/Ireland pictures together and GIT BIZZY! We all want to see!

  3. David

    Working on it right now…body clock is seriously mesed up…wide awake at 3:00 am this morning…hot tub and a cup o’ joe…I am ready to go. I did put a small album up of the Edinburgh Castle already, sometime last week…


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