The Road Home – Home again

And it’s in the books. A whirlwind trip to Wisconsin to visit family, and now instead of posting to you from a laptop in a hotel room, I’m writing from my little parlor at home. It’s good to be back, and Rousseau agrees. He’s happy now.

It was a fabulous trip for sure, and a long one. The pink line is the trip out, and the white represents the drive back:

I have a ton of pictures to be made into prints and put into an album. That’s on my list of 237 things to do in the next 3 weeks before school starts. So off I go…first to the grocery, though.

Thanks to all of you who followed the Odyssey and shared in it with your comments. It was fun! So fun, in fact, that we’ve decided to make an annual event of it. The general plan for summer, 2011:

Fun, ja?

Have a good Monkday, if that’s possible. Ugh. Car lag.

11 thoughts on “The Road Home – Home again

  1. Mavis

    I’m glad that you’re both back home safe and sound! Thanks for taking all of us along on your journey. I can’t wait to follow you both on the next one!

    Love you!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey no prob, Mave! Thanks to you, Rousseau survived! Now we have to plan our Thelma & Louise weekender…it’s coming up fast!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      You’re welcome, fiend! We did a little over 4500 miles altogether. I think we’re going to surpass that next summer…haven’t done any itinerary work yet. But we both want to get started soon, because we’re already kind of depressed that this one’s overwith…

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yeah, stupid “overcrowding” anyway. What’d she likely learn? Nothin’. But at least she has a taste of what she’ll get if she screws up again.

  2. Will

    Glad it was fun and looking forward to hearing about the San Fran excursion next year.I noticed if you take a small detour, you could actually hit up Little Big Horn which, as I remember from my youth, is an awesome visit (They have recreations.) Also find it hilarious that it looks like you’re going out of your way to miss Kansas (Both last trip and next years.)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      HA – I wonder why that is?! I have nothing against Kansas…or maybe I do… :-)

      I will look up LBH. If it’s not too far out of the way, we will definitely go. We like that kind of stuff.


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