6 thoughts on “Things You Likely Won’t See in America

  1. kodye

    I bet that Ox has a reason to be there. Either someone rode it to the Dell Store, or it’s a genius marketing ploy by Dell… using the old “Let’s Put A Wild Animal In Front Of Our Store To Get Attention” trick. It was once used by McDonald’s, and a bear… but it didn’t end well. He at Mayor McCheese’s head. :(

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      HA — good one, Kody dear. I wonder what the geniuses at Dell would think if they saw the effect their marketing idea was having on potential customers…

      It’s good to see that after all these years, you still have a veritable tungsten grip on the bizarre, the macabre, and the generally silly.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Agreed, Krissy. I think that maybe these other countries aren’t as dedicated to the “fruits of litigation” as the US. There is no way on earth that Amtrak would allow people to hitch a ride on the **outside** of the train (not only because of safety issues, but by golly they didn’t pay for a ticket).

      What gets me is the elephant picture. Would you let your child sit so close?? And what’s that location? A motel parking lot??

      1. Krissy

        If I had been there, I would have been in the balcony and biting my fingernails. I would have been worrying about someone getting hurt.


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