Time for the snow to stop so I can:
a) get the Finkmobile up the driveway
b) avoid the dreaded basketball game rescheduling circus
c) actually have rehearsals
d) not worry about ending up off-roading on the way to school
“D” is a biggy, I must admit. I adore my little 4-wheeler, but it completely bites on snowy roads.
And now it is time for my cast to memorize their music. I enjoy my role as Mrs. Nicey McNicelman, but I feel the run is coming to an end…
Happy Tuesday,
Mardi Fink
Remember the memorizing that one time, for that one musical involving some sevens? I sure do.
Ahhh yes…I also remember that. The funniest thing about it was Paul as an 8th grader telling me weeks later, I was terrified. HAA
I think the rest of you, not so much.