Time for snow to stop.

Time for the snow to stop so I can:

a) get the Finkmobile up the driveway
b) avoid the dreaded basketball game rescheduling circus
c) actually have rehearsals
d) not worry about ending up off-roading on the way to school

“D” is a biggy, I must admit. I adore my little 4-wheeler, but it completely bites on snowy roads.

And now it is time for my cast to memorize their music. I enjoy my role as Mrs. Nicey McNicelman, but I feel the run is coming to an end…

Happy Tuesday,
Mardi Fink

2 thoughts on “Time for snow to stop.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Ahhh yes…I also remember that. The funniest thing about it was Paul as an 8th grader telling me weeks later, I was terrified. HAA

      I think the rest of you, not so much. :-)


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