Two down, one to go…

…in the spring concert derby.

Two things happened last night: one really nice, and one really great.

  1. My middle school kids tore it up onstage.
  2. I became a Grammie for the second time.

Justin was born at around 10 last night. Jakey, Grammie, and Grandpa Thriller are going to the hospital today to see new little brother. The rest of my day, as I told someone in email this morning, will be spent in my gardens, at the park, having coffee with a friend (while Jake naps), and basically doing anything else we want to do.

What’s THAT all about???

Photos tomorrow…have a good Thursday, fiends.

Grammie Fink

6 thoughts on “Two down, one to go…

  1. RD

    Congrats to everyone. It was a real pleasure to see Justin, his mother and father, and grandmother (ever so briefly) today. We also went with names that begin with J for our sons — three of them, so they have one more to go!


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