I say it in Dutch this day, in honor of Finkite Suzanne, who lives in Klompenland. Yay!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, fiends! As we celebrate, I think of how richly and often I am blessed by my wonderful family and friends. Yesterday, the old tennis elbow acted up so badly, I could hardly move my left arm at all. Enter Mavis, who saved the day — and the meal! She did almost all the work, while I was relegated to the occasional stirring with my right hand, and moving stuff around. Yay Mavis! She sure came through for all of us last night.
Then I check Facebook this morning, and everyone is wishing everyone a happy holiday, both individually and by general wall posts. It would be kind of neat, wouldn’t it, if that kind of spirit stretched through the year? Maybe not, I dunno. You don’t want to cheapen a thing by overkill. Look what it did to “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”
Anyway, I take this moment to say “enjoy your weekend,” whatever it may include. You all (kind readers…all 90 of you worldwide) are a huge reason I keep this little circus going. Hugs all around.
Merry merry!
FO (to Detroit)
PS – I received a delightful Vanilla Bean gift collection — truthfully, this might be enough to get me through the year.
Ahh en fijne feestdagen Fink en alle Finkites de wereld over!
Yes it would be nice if we could give positive messages to each other all year, wouldn’t it? It’s sad that it’s easier to be negative than positive, myself included.
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!!
Thanks, Suz — hope you enjoyed your weekend!
OO! I love Vanilla Bean Noel– and the new one, Secret Wonderland– fruity with a touch of jasmine! You’re going to smell like a cookie! No wonder the J’s love their Grammie so much!!
I know! My students tell me my room smells like “cotton candy.” Hey, whatever works!
Hey, watch your language…. this is a family show…..
Hey, Vanilla Bean! It was definitely my pleasure!! Thanks to you, Michael and the entire family for making me feel so very special! I had a wonderful time. My favorite was – watching the J’s search for “clues”.
Happy New Year, everyone!
I know, that was funny — there’s a great picture of Jake looking for “clues” with his magnifying glass — on my sweater. HA
It was a great night, Mavis — and you ARE special!