Wait, wut? II

When is the last time I slept in until 8:30? I am starting a dangerous trend. It’s like I’m regressing to teenage years. Soon, I’ll be going to bed at 3 a.m. and sleeping right through my morning classes.

I went to bed at midnight last night (I don’t have to be at school for conferences until 10 this morning), and read for about 15 minutes. Next thing I know, it’s 8:18. Whaaat?

Last night’s penultimate rehearsal went pretty well. There are still annoying mistakes/miscues, but at some point, it needs to be OK. I struggle with that every year: when do you stop fighting the fight and just let the kids take over the show? I think it’s the “let the kids take over” part that bothers me the most, but…yeah… :-/

I always forget to tell them I’m proud of them until after I’ve removed their faces from their heads and fed them to them about something or other. So I’ll say it right now, when I’m not ripping off lips: these young artists and crew members are awesome to work with. And yes, I ended a sentence in a preposition.

Isn’t that just like me? Say something nice, then feel all ooky about it, so chase it by saying something ridiculous. Rat Fink, Rat Fink. What a donkey.

Hugs to all — let the final descent into madness begin.

2 thoughts on “Wait, wut? II

  1. Mavis

    It’s going to be a fabulous show, as always, Bird!! You have the most talented kids on the planet and they bring it each and every time! No worries. Can’t wait for tomorrow night! Love you!


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