Week of Insanity 2 — prepare to launch. Gigs on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Then it’s over for another Christmas. Huzzah!
Afterwards, I’m looking forward to baking with Mavis, spending some final fun nights with Kay before she moves, seeing my grandsons, celebrating with family on Christmas Eve, and doing the traditional Christmas Day getaway with the Thriller. I will love the quiet of coffee and reading in the morning, with nowhere to rush to and no schedule to keep. I will love making vroca cokolada and watching TV and reading in my jammies. Also, for the first time, our district has two full weeks off for Christmas break. Wow.
It’s an embarrassment of riches — yet I feel strangely unembarrassed. So let it be written.
Do you love, love, love my new Cheetahphone? It might make me actually want to talk on the phone more. Why a ridiculous purchase like this, you ask? 1) I hate holding a phone’s glass screen *on* my face; 2) it looked like a fun piece of funnery; 3) it was originally $30, marked down on Black Friday to $7 with free shipping…what wasn’t to love? And the best part: it works! You plug it into the headphone jack on the top of your phone, and it acts just like an old-school rotary/push-button receiver. The sound is perfect, and my arm didn’t get tired from holding it. I was also impressed with the weight of the receiver: very realistic with regard to having that old Western Electric feel. It even has a pick-up/hang-up button in the middle of the handset, so you can just squeeze the receiver to answer or end the call.
How fun! And I must say the cheetah pattern looks cute and sassy. The company also claims that the handset “reduces cell phone radiation by 99%.” As I don’t talk on the phone very often, that wasn’t a huge selling point, but it’s a nice feature.
The only drawback is that the cord is a bit on the short side, so I had to hold the Galaxy nearby the whole time. An audio cable extender should fix that right up.
Rat Fink, Rat Fink. You and your crazy toys…
And if that weren’t enough to satisfy your yearning for non sequiturs for the rest of your life: Remember apple Jell-O?, with its “imitation apple flavor” and “magnificent golden color?” I do. I’m trying to recall if Mother ever made it, or if I tasted it at someone else’s house. Ah, the 1960s…
Well, the presents are wrapped and under our little Whoville tree, and I’m ready to tackle what’s left of the pre-holiday mania. Then it’s on to the good stuff. I hope the Christmas crazy is winding down for you, too.
So call me on my Cheetahphone.
Hahaha! Love the Cheetahphone! The pattern reminds me of those crazy sunglasses Mother used wear!
Cool, Bird.
I remember the apple Jell-O. Mother made it for some family thing when we were young. I just don’t remember if we actually *liked* it.
I love your Whoville tree. Makes for more room in there for all of us! Have a very relaxing day, hon. Baking night is coming up!
I’ve seen glasses similar to those — she’d be stylin’ bigtime if she wore them now. They looked something like these, except with white temples:
And I think I liked the apple Jell-O — I *think* I did. Of course, we liked anything that had sugar and masqueraded as “dessert,” because we didn’t get dessert that often at all!
Can’t wait for Baking With Mavis & the Bird night!
Wow! A Cheetahphone! Too cool!! Doncha love new toys?
My December madness continues right up until Christmas Eve – had a major gig on the 7th, and now looking at three more gigs in a 5-day span coming up. I’m always in a coma on Christmas morning. It’s the curse of the performing musician. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. It’s nice to be in such demand.
Don’t think I ever had the apple jell-o. Jell-O wasn’t a biggie at my house growing up.
Enjoy your jammie days, Finkly. I have to go switch out music.
Singin’ for my supper and loving every minute.
Ah, the life of a church musician…you get the craziness right up until Baby Jesus is born, and every 7-10 years or so, you get to work *on* Christmas Day, too. I’m sure you love it, though! I’ll be thinking of you on Christmas morning, when you get to have some jammie time as well. Have fun with the season’s music — you’re awesome.
Cheetahphone is awesome but the picture with the cheetahphone is even better.
Errrrr ditto…phone is cool, pic way better!