What do you do…

…when you can’t go back to sleep for a two-hour delay, and you don’t feel like working?

Why, PhotoFunia, of course. :-)






Rat Fink, Rat Fink. What a donkey.

But hey, you know what day it is. Time to relax and enjoy the weekend.

17 thoughts on “What do you do…

  1. BoomR

    Guuurl….you are a HOT mess! Actually, the pic of you with the dark hair (OK, and the gun too) is a nice reminder of the old days LOL


  2. Rat Fink Post author

    *SnoRT* They were fun. But of course, that was before I loaded Google News and saw all the tsunami devastation. :-(

  3. Lars

    Ok, don’t hate me… But when I first logged onto ya blog this mornin’ I though the Santa photo was Donald Sutherland, ha! Anyone else agree with me?

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Great. Nice. So this is my doppelgaenger .

      Thank you, Lars. Thank you for that monstrous self-esteem lift.

  4. Meg

    Holy poooooooooo! These are super! What a fantastic way to start my day (yes it’s noon and my day is just starting). Thanks :P

  5. Lars

    Hahahahha, you do resemble Madame. In the Santa pic… the moustacha covered your upper lip and gave you an extra toothy, Sutherlandesque grin. I think you should find a toothy Donald picture to help illustrate my viewpoint…


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