When you hate everything…

…and when your team has lost eleven straight games, it’s good to know there is shoe therapy.

And grandsons — two of whom are arriving this morning to spend the day. Tomorrow morning, I bury myself in choreography and lesson plans for music theory, and will remain in that state all weekend. Hence, the hating of everything.

But on the bright side, today is filled with playing ball and trucks and maybe going to the store to buy a couple of baseball gloves.

Is it June yet? Need…more…shoes…

10 thoughts on “When you hate everything…

  1. Rae

    Heffe, myself and my ‘rents were supposed to take in a Wahoo game Thursday. Now… positives: it would have been $1 dog night. Negatives: 60% chance of rain, and my fajha is so ticked at the team that he may have been among the people booing at a home game. So. Dinner instead. Compromise.

    There *could* be a game and they *could* win… but… why risk the in-person pain, you know??

      1. Rat Fink Post author

        Well if you ask me, I’d say the rain and the chances of winning are decidedly NOT in your favor. :-)

        Stay home, cook up some Ball Parks and watch it on TV — that way, you can always switch off without going to the parking lot and having to drive home mad. HA

        1. Rae

          Ha. Well… my ‘rents are not exactly social butterflies. So, the idea that they are willing to meet Heffe halfway for dinner instead is a nice replacement. A first. Maybe the last!… so, very, interesting…

  2. Suzanne

    I used to like shoe shopping. But the last time I did so I discovered that my already gigantic feet have grown UP to the next size! WTHeck???

    Hope you are having a splendid time today!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      We did have fun, but man was it HOT here. We walked to the park and tried to play catch on the ball diamond, but two minutes in, we were all miserable. So we went over and played on the swings for a few, then hoofed it back home and colored/painted at the dining room table — in the air conditioning!

      And I am surprised my feet haven’t gone to the next size yet. I hear that happens as you get older — HA

  3. RD

    Look on the bright side: You could have the curse of being a Cubs fan!
    How are you feeling about the Browns this season?

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I’m starting to think the Cubs and Tribe are the same team…and don’t get me started on the Browns!!


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