Sheepus! I’ve been going nonstop since 7 a.m. today. How about you?
A few days ago, I told you about my involvement with BATs (Badass Teachers Assoc.), an organization now 23,000 members strong, dedicated to the eventual repeal of the Common Core and its attached high-stakes testing in public schools.
Well, there are also state associations that hone in on local issues. I was asked last night to serve as an admin in the Ohio BATs group. I accepted.
Whoa. Now I’m in the soup, lemmetellya. Meeting in Akron on Friday already. Here we go. But along with that, my dance card holds other fun stuff. Real barn-burner material, like:
- Cleaning out closets, getting ready for the annual Volunteers of America clothing drop
- Starting the furniture stripping, thanks to my dang-fool clumsiness with nail polish remover
- Ordering music for fall
- Finishing choreography (bottle dance is done, yay)
- Driving to school and getting some stuff I need
You know, just small stuff. In addition to the big stuff. But hey, I’m glad to be busy and engaged (although I’d rather just sit here and write to you all day).
Ewwww! That table looks pretty bad!! Once you get it stripped (and I’m guessing you’re stripping the entire thing, legs included), sand it really well with coarse paper and work it down to the finest grit you can find. There could be a bit of discoloring under the finish. Good sanding will probably remove it. When you apply the finish, sand with fine grit between coats–it should look great!
Greg, you can’t tell from the photo, but it’s an enormous old walnut sideboard. I’m just doing the top, and not all the ornate carvings in the doors and body. Fortunately, I was able to save those before the damage reached them!
I am just going to re-stain and varnish the top. I usually have a table runner for decoration on top anyway; I’m hoping that will cover most of the difference in stain color, if any. I will definitely take your advice on the sanding – thanks!
Wow an admin for a Bat(ty) group! Why does this not surprise me <3
Sounds like you have a full summer planned!!
Right??? I’m just an old bat, after all.
I’m just glad I have enough summer left to start all these projects — one month, almost to the day. Now to finish them…that’s another kettle of fish!! :-/
Whoa is right! You definitely have a full schedule now, kiddo. I think it’s great about BATs, though! You just fly up their nighties and show them how it’s done!
Proud of you, Birdie!
Fly up their nighties..HAaaaaaaaa
Haven’t heard that line for ages!!!