When I say “Whoa,” I mean WHOA!
Heh heh. I’m on a Warner Bros. kick lately.
OK, so here’s the plan, Stan. My school district made a change, and school from now on will begin 30 minutes earlier than in past years. What that means: Instead of getting up at 5:00, I now will rise before the chickens, at 4:30 a.m. This might cause a slight glitch — or a big Whoa, Camel! — in my blogging stride, as I now have added treadmill time to my morning routine, as well as showering, coffeeing, breakfasting, reading, and most importantly, writing to you.
You’ll notice in the left sidebar a nice little “Subscribe” space. If you’ll enter your email address in that space, I’ll send you a note every time I write a post. The link to the new post will be included in that mail — and nothing else. You know me; no sales pitches, no nagging, no begging. I do it just in case you’d like to not bother checking in here unless there’s new content. (Note: if you do subscribe, you might want to add ratfink @ finkweb.org to your safe sender list, or I might end up in your garbage.)
Now of course, if you’d like to check in anyway, just to read the archives of blatherings over the last 5 years, you’re welcome to do that. This list will just let you know when it’s safe to come back for new stuff, if that’s what you prefer.
The initial plan is to have a new blog post every Monday morning, but that may change, according to schedule or whim. You just never can tell with me, right?
So what say? Throw caution to the wind and subscribe. I promise I won’t spam you or sell your address. Besides, you can always unsubscribe when you tire of it. *sniffle*
Oh, and…this won’t take effect until school starts in 2 weeks, so you won’t hear from me right away. Sallight? Sallight.
Decisions…decisions…decisions to subscribe or not to subscribe that is the question I face today; lot riding on this in my retired state. OK…I’m in!
Loved the Yosemite Sam this morning; this came to mind while slurping my cup o joe on the veranda…..Duck season…rabbit season.
Enjoy the arranging thingy, I am sure part labor of love and the other part just plain o labor.
Whoa! 4:30 is early to rise. I’m an early riser, but not that early. If the proverb is true, you’ll be healthy, wealthy and wise, but wait, you’re all that already. Whoa!
P.S. My subscription is submitted.
Thanks y’all! I now have six subscribers. Movin’ up in the world, yo.
RD — I may be healthy, but I ain’t so sure about the other two.
And David the Pensioner: you’re just trying to make me jealous. And lemmetellyou something, mate…it’s working. BLah!!