…and thinkin’…although I like Dusty Springfield, I really hate that song.
SOoooOOoo yippity, it’s Contract Day, and everyone in education knows what that means. Let the bloodborne pathogens training, endless meetings and signing away one’s firstborn to the AFL-CIO commence. Laissez les bon temps freakin roulez.
I’m more than a little excited for this year’s ensembles, and I’m thinkin’ and hopin’ that this might — might — be one of those years when the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars. I’ll know more tomorrow afternoon, but I’m predicting a (potentially) powerful sound from middle school and high school choirs. Wouldn’t that be great?
*dream music*
I hope your Tuesday is grand! Leave some comment love and tell old Finkly what you’re up to today.
don’t blame Dusty….he just made a hit out of it after Dionne Warwick failed to a year earlier!
I didn’t know Dionne recorded that! (And Dusty’s a SHE, ding dong LOL)