Yay for today

Not because it’s my barfday and I am 39 again. Rather, I get to see some very special family and fiends today, then the Js are staying the night with us. What could possibly make today better? Well, having Mr. A (grandson #3) spend the night with us too, but he’s awfully little right now. So I’ll settle for seeing him this afternoon.

But those of you with grown children know what a joy it is to be able to see them all on the same day. With family and BFF Kay/Bob and RD/Bonnie stopping by, all will be aces.

That, and it’s Saturday, and the first week of school is in the books. Oh, and there will be cake. CAKES. Could today get any better, seriously? Hmm. Maybe if you stopped by…

8 thoughts on “Yay for today

  1. Will

    Would drop by if I was even remotely in the area. Instead, I’ll celebrate by… going to work. Have a happy Birthday!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Boo for work! :-( But I will eat a *ninth* piece of cake in your honor today. Thanks, fiend — try to have a good weekend in spite of it!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Love you too, Rae Rae — and hey, if you’re in the neighborhood between 2 and 5 today, stop by for cake and lemonade!

  2. Lori

    Happy Birthday, My Long-Time Friend! (Sounds so much better than “old!”) So nice to be back in touch with you in this way. Have a wonderful Celebrate Fink Day!


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