Two is a nice, round number. I like two. I like having two of things, like two favorite coffee mugs. I like eating two helpings of dinner sometimes, or two cookies or two pieces of cake.

Right now, we have two dogs in the house (we’re puppysitting for friends for a few weeks while they’re in Europe). I have two different browsers open at the moment, and I’m on my second mug of café mocha. It took me 2×3 hours yesterday to complete our 2-page program for the show.

Two is the number of weeks left until Joseph opens, and two (and eventually, 2.5) is the duration of each rehearsal that remains, with the exception of the tech rehearsal this Saturday, which runs 2×2 hours.

Two is also the total number of free days I have over the span of the next fourteen.  That means a lot of trying to push three grandsons — and their parents’ busy schedules — into two visits.

Can this be done? I think so. I just need a few hours to work out the details.

Like, two.


3 thoughts on “2

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Well…two can be as bad as one. But you’re right: the loneliest number is the number one.



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