Monthly Archives: October 2008

A fabulous weekend

Do I adore this man? You betcha.

The only downside was that we couldn’t spend more time catching up on the last two decades. I’ve made so much music with this guy over the years, it could fill a garage. In the 6 or so hours we spent just yapping about life in general, our spouses, kids, dreams, disappointments and victories, never once did I think we were starting over. We just picked up where we left off.

Sometimes, everything just works. This was one of those times. BoomR, it was like ye never left! I heart you!

Fink out.

One Chicago team down…


The Thriller will be upset if the White Sox are eliminated today.

RD – so sorry about your Cubs, my man. What’s 100 years between friends, eh? Blah. But, as Jim Hendry said last night, there’s always….nah, don’t say it.

Of course, I could join you in your misery swim, you know. The Dodgers can be added to the ever-lengthening list of championship teams whose rosters have players that the Cleveland Indians didn’t see fit to keep. Heck, Casey Blake just got a big quote on this morning. He’s out there in LA now, with his good friend Manny Ramirez.

And the Sox are going to need a little help from former Tribe player Jim Thome if they’re going to think about Game 4. As the Thriller is wont to say: “If they can’t hit ’em out of the park, they can’t win the game.” Ok, Jimmy, it’s time to do your thing, or I am going to have to make myself really scarce this evening.

Plans for the day: breakfast with BoomR, then off to the school house for some work, then go shopping to buy birthday presentses.

Fink out. Erm….go White Sox. Blech.

Various & Sundry IV

  1. Check THIS out. Yikes! Bad lil Badger bandies.
  2. Hey, OJ. Lightning rarely strikes twice.
  3. I had a great time with BoomR last night, with another one to come tomorrow morning. Yay!
  4. I need to get little Sean R. a birthday present.
  5. I missed Bob’s birthday. It was on the 2nd. Crap.
  6. Clutch the friggin’ PEARLS. A pro athlete might actually go to jail.
  7. I froze my rat tail off at the game last night. Our guys fought hard, but got smoked. :-(
  8. I hate doing research outlines. Really.
  9. I wonder what Mavis is up to today. She needs to come over and make me a cup of coffee. (*Poof* There, you’re a cup of coffee.)
  10. TRO – how’s your weekend, luv?
  11. Why I will hang with my old-school Razr for awhile longer. Or at least until iPhone decides to release the choke-hold on AT&T. Or vice-versa.

Ok, back to work. PK’s pictures will appear later.

And here they are. I, um, couldn’t use them all. Family blog & stuff, you know. But these are silly:

Funny #1

Funny #2

Funny #3 (my favorite – it’s just so bizarre)

Fink out(lines are my life)


Ok, lots of things happening today, my fiends.

It’s Friday. Praise Gad. It’s also homecoming at my school, and the kids have been given the chance to dress up silly in honor of “spirit week.” Yesterday was “Halloween costume day,” and some of them were downright inventive, and frankly seemed to take quite a bit of thought.

Others were funny, like this. (Check out the kid on the far left — remember when basketball shorts looked like that *all* the time, fellow crusties?) The wise guy on the far right is a regular RtB reader, who shall remain anonymous.


Then there’s later tonight and Sunday morning – getting together with a friend I haven’t seen in almost 20 years! (Boom Boom, where ya wanna meet?)

PK sent me some hi-larious pictures. I will post some of them tomorrow.

It’s going to be a good weekend.

Fink out.

Hace mucho frio

Dude. I’m sitting here in my lovely little parlor in jeans, sweatshirt, turtle, socks, shoes, and my wool winter coat. And, as will come as no surprise to my family and friends — I’m fuh-reezing.

Fall is coming to Ohio (some, like Mavis, would say, “at long last!”). And that always brings a bit of consternation to the Fink house. The Thriller, who could wear a swimsuit to a snowball fight, likes to turn the furnace to the “off” position when he comes up for the night. Therefore, when I get up at 5:00 on a freezing cold morning, the Rat’s nest is a toasty 51 degrees. Nice.

Urge to strangle.

I mean, I know his reasoning behind it, and I understand. Natural gas, which heats our 92-year-old house, is frightfully expensive, with no relief in sight. I’m just trying to balance misery with necessity here. I guess my misery is a necessity.



PS – Lars comes for dinner tonight – yay!