Ok, lots of things happening today, my fiends.
It’s Friday. Praise Gad. It’s also homecoming at my school, and the kids have been given the chance to dress up silly in honor of “spirit week.” Yesterday was “Halloween costume day,” and some of them were downright inventive, and frankly seemed to take quite a bit of thought.
Others were funny, like this. (Check out the kid on the far left — remember when basketball shorts looked like that *all* the time, fellow crusties?) The wise guy on the far right is a regular RtB reader, who shall remain anonymous.
Then there’s later tonight and Sunday morning – getting together with a friend I haven’t seen in almost 20 years! (Boom Boom, where ya wanna meet?)
PK sent me some hi-larious pictures. I will post some of them tomorrow.
It’s going to be a good weekend.
Fink out.
I’ve always said, nothing shows school spirit like… Halloween costumes? Whatever happened to the good ol’ days of Gold, Black, and White day…
That’s today, Kodylicious.

You looked MAAAAAHHHVELOUS!! But yelling “Hey RatFink” across a crowded bar to get your attention DID get me a couple stares LOL. Clearly it’s true: Blondes **DO** have more fun! Can’t wait for episode 2 of: WTHHYBDFTLTY!!!
(OK… you’re gonna grill me about that one, so it stands for “what the hell have you been doing for the last twenty years??!!”)
Now all I gotta do is figure out how to fin Tuffy’s Smoothie Bar and the Recreation Center….