Monthly Archives: September 2009

A sad day

BoomR’s wonderful mom-in-law passed away yesterday morning.

I never met Millie, but from what I’m told, she was a lovely and vibrant octogenarian who adored her children and lived an energetic and meaningful life.

What better lesson for the rest of us? Everyday silliness and annoyances can really get in the way of what’s really important: living a meaningful life, and loving your family.

So today’s post is dedicated to Millie’s memory. I say to all my fiends who read and post — or who just read — if you would like to, leave a message here for BluVox, BoomR and the rest of their family, so they can know that we’re thinking of them. Unlike flowers, these condolences can be permanent via a bookmark or just returning once in awhile to read them. I hope BoomR and BluVox can derive some comfort from them.

So BoomR and BV, my thoughts are with you today. I know what it is like to lose a parent. May your wonderful memories of Millie sustain you during the days to come. Hugs – L.


I totally forgot about this place. We are *so* staying here once we reach San Bernardino. Must get the Thriller on task with our exact travel schedule so we can book it way in advance.

Not quite politically correct (we aren’t going to get into THAT today, are we now), but so much a part of the history of when families became mobile and started traveling by car across the country after WWII.

r66guideYesterday, our Route 66 Dining & Lodging Guide arrived in the mail. While I finished a paper (at 10 p.m.), the Thriller read to me some of the cool places where we’ll stay or eat. That’s when I noticed the Wigwam Motel. What a great final stop on our destination. It is going to be a boss trip.

And speaking of destinations, I’m late for mine and the hair isn’t even dry yet…yikes…

Have a goody!


PS – Thoughts and prayers go out to BoomR’s mom-in-law, who is fighting the last stages of cancer. We all heart you, Boom Boom.

Kanye (the biggest knucklehead in the) West

Yeah. Like I told a colleague yesterday: he has, in one shining collection of short moments, given every ignorant, stereotyping, racist bigot moron in America a freaking Quonset hut full of ammo.

He wasn’t alone in the outburst category this weekend, either. Tennis star Serena Williams also got into the act.

Sounded to me like Serena just got her diva on and lost her composure. No excuse, but I suppose it happens (can you say John McEnroe? — although I don’t remember him threatening to shove a tennis ball down the judge’s throat):

But West…he’s just a tool who can’t hold his tongue (or his Hennessy), so all that comes out of his mouth is stupid tripe. (“I’m anti-book” — way to influence America’s impressionable youth, Einstein.) But of course, it’s everyone else’s fault because, you know, he spent a million dollars and jumped across canyons & stuff.

Kanye attempted to apologize after he’d realized what a consummate butt-clown he’d made of himself (it showed a decided lack of class when compared with Serena’s apology — even if it was blatantly obvious that Serena’s handlers made her think again and amend her previous statement to appear more “apologetic”). After he was escorted from the building and delivered to his “crib” (*sigh*), West attacked his blog, writing his apology, or cognac-soaked regurgitation, whichever you want to call it:

I’m sooooo sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom. I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would’ve said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she’s in the bleachers! I’m in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment!

BeyoncĂ©’s video was the best of this decade!!!! I’m sorry to my fans if I let you guys down!!!! I’m sorry to my friends at MTV. I will apologize to Taylor 2mrw. Welcome to the real world!!!! Everybody wanna booooo me but I’m a fan of real pop culture!!! No disrespect but we watchin’ the show at the crib right now cause … well you know!!!! I’m still happy for Taylor!!!! Boooyaaawwww!!!! You are very very talented!!! I gave my awards to Outkast when they deserved it over me … That’s what it is!!!!!!! I’m not crazy y’all, i’m just real. Sorry for that!!! I really feel bad for Taylor and I’m sincerely sorry!!! Much respect!!!!!”

I am not making this up. Takes all kinds and all that, and I know some weird folks who are great entertainers. But going up onstage (drunk or not) and stealing someone’s moment so you can have your own big fat stupid say just screams one thing to the rafters — and I can’t print it here. Suffice it to say that the blogs were absolutely smoking with this story yesterday.

So WTG, Kanye. I am entertained. :-)

Fink out.

Planning to motor west

So on the long drive home from Detroit, the Thriller and I hatched a dastardly scheme.

On 18 July, 2010, we will set out to navigate historic Route 66, in its entirety. That’s right: all the way from south of Chicago to Los Angeles. By our figures, it should take us a little over two weeks total, with a small stop in Vegas and the Grand Canyon on the way home (on which we will drive the interstates). We are stoked beyond belief.

We both remember the old mom-and-pop motels, drive-in theaters, drive-up diners, and Sinclair and Standard Oil gas stations of our growing-up years. And having both been born in Illinois and raised in the midwest, we have many of the same memories. So we decided to take this nostalgic trip for real, not just in our minds and conversation. It’s on.

For those who don’t know, the original US 66 highway — which has now in large part been absorbed by the interstate system — was a haven for travelers and families from the 1930s through the 70s (map is clicky). Time, neglect and progress have wreaked havoc on it over the past 30 years, but thanks to a bill supported by members of Congress, the restoration has begun in many places.

So we are excited to see the history and enjoy the stories from the locals (and according to my research last night, there are many old-timers who love to talk about 66…and believe it, the Flip Video will be busy recording their tales). I plan to cure my ookiness about Muffler Men as well. The hardest part will be deciding what to see and what to pass up.

Our first stops will be along the beginnings of the route, southwest of Chicago (Joliet, Odell, Pontiac). Then it’s on to Missouri, etc.

You’ll see that I’ve added two cities to the above map. We have to visit BoomR and Bluvox in Dallas, and family in Austin. Total excitement.

We have our first hotel scoped out, and the second as well. It will be a summer to remember. We’re saving our pennies judiciously from now on. I ask you, how fun will this trip be?


Hotels, hotels everywhere…

…and not a single room to be had in the entire city of Detroit. I don’t get it. Is the Blue Jays/Tigers game that big of a draw? Maybe. I dunno. But we could not find a single place to stay tonight after we take Bob and Kay to the airport. Of course, there *is* a room available at the MGM Grand…for $299. Um, no thanks. Stein told me yesterday that Notre Dame is playing at UMich, so that might have something to do with it as well. I’ll bet there hasn’t been a room in Ann Arbor since the football schedule came out last year. Every Catholic in Indiana will be there.

So we settled for the Airport Best Western — a 16-mile drive from downtown. It’s OK. We’re going to have some fun. Us, and the 56,437,228 other people who will likely descend upon Greektown tonight.

My new Flip video is go-go-gadget amazing. I’m having fun with it. Drop-of-the-hat movies will be boss with the grandsons.

You won’t be surprised to learn that I’m also after this little gem:

Oh yeah.

Have a fun weekend, fiends. I’m off to get packed and ready to go.

Fink out.