Monthly Archives: January 2010

Do not…

…make the mistake of spending your coffee time during a two-hour school delay on Demotivators spinoff sites.



I think I’ll have another coffee. Delays are wonderful. Dinner Theatre auditions this evening. Color me tres excite.




Yes, I’ll admit it. I am happy because the St*****s didn’t make the playoffs. It’s like Dallas being sick of hearing about the “1996 curse” — I am sick of hearing about Pittsburgh winning. It’s time to let someone else. I wish it were the Browns and not the Ravens & Bengals, but…at least it’s not Them.

It’s all good, however. I’m sure the Pittsburgh players and coaches are great guys, and let’s face it, everyone wants to win. But it’s the Browns’ turn to do well. At least in my lifetime.

It snowed overnight. Very pretty outside. But no delay. Methinks my superintendent is having a bit of schadenfreude this day.


Back in the old routine

Yeah, man.

We edu-types are calling it another Christmas break in the books. I won’t go as far as to complain, however, for fear of raising the hackles of my private sector fiends.


And so it begins: the frenetic ride towards Easter Sunday. Time to fish the dance shoes out of the closet (since I got no dancing done over break) and choreograph about six numbers. Joy.

My general love of shoes definitely spills over into other areas. Why does a person who only dances three months out of the year need three pairs of taps and two pairs of jazz shoes? (My jazz sneakers are at school and thus unavailable for this photo shoot.) Unadulterated greed. And vanity. Vanity of vanities, saith the Fink. All is vanity. But hey, it’s  for a good cause. Anyway…

I am back in my old routine, but over the last couple of days, some of my family members have adopted a *new* routine: quitting smoking, resolving to be less stressed, having more fun, taking things easier, and being more independent. I think that’s fantastic. I need to focus on some improvements as well — mostly health-oriented. I simply must be nicer to my aging bod. Period. That is going to happen. Check back a year from today and see if it didn’t.

So what are we doing with our last day of the holiday weekend? The Thriller and I may go see a matinee, since we never got to any of the movies on our holiday list. Or we may just stay at home and watch the last Browns game of the season. What if they were to win four in a row? I wouldn’t know what to think. I’d have to withdraw my membership in the “Shut Up, the World Isn’t Going to End in 2012” club. HA

Have a great Sunday, fiends. Tomorrow, it’s back at it…

Fink out.

PS – Happy Birthday, Helen!

HNY from RtB II

So many new things under the sun.

Happy New Year, my fiends. I hope everyone had fun last night, and got back home with no incidents. BFF Kay and Bob came over — Bob leaves for Slovenia this morning — and we celebrated the Thriller’s and my wedding anniversary with food and laughs and a movie. I trust all of you did something fun or relaxing as well.

Last year on this day, I said that it was going to be a “difficult, challenging, uncertain, but hopefully happy year for me.” Hmm. Prescient prediction it was. Two thousand nine was all those things, and in many cases, not for the reasons I would have chosen.

I learned much in 2009; lots about others, but mostly about myself. Fitting way to end a year: reinforcing the notion that you’re never too old to learn. But where’s the fun in life without a learning experience or three along the way? Should we not mature and improve? Isn’t that the purpose of aging, regardless of one’s age?

Questions, questions.

So now, to the obligatory subject matter: what are you doing differently in 2010? Notice I did not use the “R” word. “Resolution” sounds so…I dunno…resolute. Rigid. Unyielding. And that’s not what life is. One of the Thriller’s favorite sayings is “life is dynamic.” He’s right, you know. Everything must change. Nothing stays the same.

How true. So I made a New Year’s Decision to do more good, love my family more, treat myself better. Actually, we should all start there, ja?

But enough proselytizing. I got work to do before Monday hits. Share your New Year’s Decisions, or what events you’re looking forward to in 2010. I covet your comments, as always.

Happy Happy!