Another tour in the books. And to say I’m relieved is a gross understatement. Wanna hear what’s in the front, back, and sides of my reptilian brain from June (when I start planning the itinerary) until April (when we finally pull into the school parking lot after it’s over)? It explains in part why I hardly sleep at all on tour. Here is a partial list, in no particular order, because they’re all #1.
- Terrorist attacks
- Bus accident
- Kid or chaperon getting gravely ill
- Kid getting lost or running away
- Violent crime against a kid, or a kid getting hit while crossing an intersection
- The NBC Studios elevator (Selfish inclusion; elevators constrict my breathing…they make me want to hyperventilate. Ridiculous, but there you have it. I’m phobia’d to death.)
But none of that happened, and I am grateful. I’m not a picture-taker, but I do have some favorites from tour…
But now I have to start thinking about spring concerts and graduation: the return to reality. Back in the old routine. Yeah, man.