Monthly Archives: October 2011

Beautiful weekend

And after the summer Ohio has had, a welcome one, too.

Friday night, after an especially stressful week, the Thriller and I picked up the grandsons for a sleepover, for what could be the last time until November. (I originally commented here, “Stupid rehearsals.” That was unfair. My rehearsals aren’t stupid — I actually enjoy them, most of the time — I just wish there were more hours in the day, that’s all.) It was a fantastic time, albeit too short.

We went to BFF Kay and Bob’s house (the gorgeous Thistlefink Gardens) for pizza and relaxation. We had great conversation over dinner, while Kay and the Thriller alternately handled face-cleaning duties as a result of the Js dipping their pizza slices in marinara — a dandy trick their Grammie taught them. That was a photo op in itself, but of course, I was too busy chowing down to grab my phone.

After dinner, the four boys disappeared outside, looking for some trouble to get into. We found them down by the creek:

Bob threw down the gauntlet by tossing some leaves at Jake. And then, it was, as they say, on.

Too bad the weekend’s almost gone. Time to get busy writing parts for pit players, planting tulips, daffodils and hyacinths, and hitting Mansfield for some necessaries. We’re going to try and squeeze in a matinee of Ides of March, then maybe tonight I’ll get a chance to watch another episode of The Borgias (yes, we broke down and added Showtime) before the season finale of Breaking Bad.

Happy Sumday to you — if you’re in my neck of the woods, enjoy that summer-like weather. Come January, we’re going to wish it was back.


What is this “delegate”…

…of which you speak?

Last week, an intern was brought on board for one of my web clients. And lemme tell you something, fiends: webmasters are worse than sopranos and toddlers. As soon as her name was announced, I began to think selfish thoughts. Is she here to take over? Are they making me share my toys? Thinking about replacing me? Firing me? Giving me the old heave-ho, because a younger, prettier version was found?

They comes in and wants to take the Preciousssssssss — wicked, tricksy, false

*SmAcK* I really just need to learn to delegate. Those of you who know me know I’m terrible at it. I’m convinced it comes from a long history of self-doubt and fear of rejection. I’m a big fat neurosis smorgasbord, that’s what I am. As the Thriller is wont to say, it’s enough to pi$$ off the Pope.

How do you handle it? How do you relinquish your iron hold on things? I know there are people around me who are plenty capable of doing what I do — ain’t nobody irreplaceable. But it’s the initial releasing of the death grip…just…can’t…do it…ARRRG

Of course, I don’t know anyone else with this problem *coughCOUNTRYMOUSEcoughBANDOcough*, so I guess I’m in this ocean all by meself; lonely, no one to talk to, miserable. :-(

Filthy little hobbitses…

Talky talky

I noticed on my WP dashboard this morning that we’ve been quite chatty over the past 3 years and 8 months:

Wow. Six thousand, six hundred sixty. And that is precisely why I embarked on this little Odyssey. If you’ll notice, there are no sidebar ads screaming at you. Most 3rd-party blogs — that is, WordPress blogs that run on individual servers like, as opposed to the free service that offers — are overrun with ads. They blog for money.

I blog for love. Comment love.

So, regulars and lurkers (ask me how I know you’re out there), let’s begin: What’s been a major highlight for you this week? I look forward to responding to your comment love with comment love.

I’ll start. My major highlight begins tonight, when I have dinner with baby boy Lars, and continues tomorrow night when the Js come for a quick sleepover visit. Delight.

OK, commence with the snappy repartee. Crow. Brag. Celebrate. Honk. Ready, steady, go.

Various & Sundry XXXVIII

  • As you have done unto the least of these…
  • We should all memorize this 
  • Cool art
  • A neat way to wax trivial; kind of like an interactive Sergeant Pepper’s LHCB cover
  • A ton of work for something that tastes so awful. Mavis and I were just talking about this the other day. Have you seen shows like Cake Boss? Do you notice how much human-hand contact there is on those cakes? *shudder* A bit too much for my liking. I mean, I know lots of people don’t eat fondant — it’s basically for looks, and the creations do look gorgeous with it. I just prefer cake without a rind.
  • As much as we hate to admit it, Google can do just about anything
  • Anyone else feel uncomfortable (or indicted) after reading this? Ouch. Favorite quote: “Balanced people don’t change the world.” That’s encouraging news, personally. :-)
Speaking of excuses, I’m clean out. Off to change the world, one wrong note at a time.

Mother always said…

“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” So I will be very good and refrain from commenting on how I feel this morning about the coming week.

Instead, I’ll ask YOU about how your weekend went! Did you get everything done? Are you happy it’s Monkday? Are you filled with dread?

Last night, we celebrated Bob’s birthday. It was a fantastic party, with great food (and the cakes went over well, whew what a relief), and fun people (about 20 or so). I actually got to spend time with my own children — how about that? The Js were there too, which was a highlight for me. And I must comment on their wonderful behavior, given that they were in an enclosed space for two hours without being able to go out and play (it was raining). Jake didn’t hit what Hannah calls “the silly wall” until just before it was time to leave. So proud of both boys, yay.

The birthday boy had a grand time, I think. Don’t you think the mug bears a striking resemblance?

Once again, hope you had a good weekend. I’m late for the showers and the road. Where’d that weekend go anyhow?