Monthly Archives: December 2012
Share a Christmas memory.
Hello, fiends. Yesterday morning was crazy, so I didn’t get to talk to you. Did you miss me?
As Christmas Eve approaches, I am often overtaken by powerful memories of childhood, home, and especially, my parents (both passed away in the mid-90s).
I clearly remember Mother telling Mavis and me to go to sleep quickly, because Santa wouldn’t stop at our house if he knew we were awake. So at bedtime, I’d pull up the blankets reeeeally close to my neck and shut my eyes reeeeally tight. And one year, I knew — I just knew — that I heard sleigh bells in the distance. I was terrified that Santa would come to our house and find me awake, and that he’d be disappointed.
Like there were rules. Haha.
What I know to be true now is that we were probably driving Mother crazy with our questions and excitement (we were never “wild” or “unruly” as children; it simply was not allowed, and we’d never dream of risking the consequences), and she wanted to make sure that when it was bedtime, we got down to business.
Still, the memory of those nights is strong and treasured and fond. I think the years of 1965-69 were among the happiest in my life, and I keep the Christmas memories of those times close to my heart. Even the ones that didn’t start out so happy.
So, if you’re around today, give us a fond Christmas memory, because Christmas, to me, is as much a time for reminiscing as for celebration.
Some funnies
I mean, since I’ve been up since 5 and all…
I put this on Facebook this morning, to illustrate my mild embarrassment at getting all uppity for being on vacation. Heh.
OK, some punny things for your amusement this day:
Haha. OK, go on with your day now. But gimme some guesses first. I’m off to get ready to do some awesome sugared pecans and deliver them to all my sick family members.
Get better, luvs!
And all God’s people said
Last day. Shortened schedule. Then school is done. That is all.
Fink out.
Holiday countdown
Not to Christmas, mind (although I am reeeeally looking forward to Christmas Eve when the fam will be here), but to Christmas break. I know, I know. “Teacher, quit rubbin’ it in,” say all my private sector fiends. Go ahead, I can take it, and I likely deserve it.
However, not all will be feet up on the sofa and sleeping in and watching TV and hanging out.
There’s Joseph in the distance, ya know. Oy.
But let’s not think about that right now. First item of biz is to get through the next three days. Friday is Pecan Day at the Fink house — more fun with Christmas goodies. I hope all my family will be healed of the horrible plague that’s gone around almost everyone’s house over the last few weeks (the poor Js and their parents have been through the wringer for five days now). There’s celebrating to be done.
I hope you’re all gearing up for your individual get-togethers. Are you getting excited about them? Now’s the time to start that happy nonsense.
Best news of the day? My shaggy hair gets chopped and coiffed tonight. Yikes, ’bout time y’all.
Happy Tunesday! Listen to some happy tunes today.
Fink, to the school house and beyond