One gig down, two more to go. Last night’s high school concert was very nice. The pianist kind of biffed it on one section (she thought she’d be all hoity-toity and memorize a difficult accompaniment instead of looking at the music, HA), but the choir stayed true and did not flinch. Good thing it moved so incredibly fast, no one in the audience caught it. Shew.
Today, my select ensemble goes to a nursing home to perform. I like taking them to rest homes; the residents enjoy it so much, and it’s a good life lesson for us, myself included. Be thankful for every day you wake up with the ability to walk, reason, experience personal freedom and fend for yourself. It can’t be overstated.
My heart breaks when I see some of these folks — especially the lonely ones with no family, and those who can no longer recognize their families. BFF Kay and Bob are heroes to me for taking in Kay’s elderly mother (who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease), and loving her through the good times and bad. They surround her with a feeling of safety, and a sense of family and belonging: something many of the elderly patients in nursing homes miss.
So today, we bring a little Christmas joy to the shut-in, and we are happy to do it. Tell you what — I’m getting in the holiday mood. LOOK OUT.
Have a happy day, fiends.
Fink, to the showers, the school house, and beyond