Monthly Archives: January 2013

Temperature in Hades: 31

Yep, fiends — it froze over. The Thriller and I went out and bought a Wii system for the grandsons.

I originally swore to never have one in the house, because I knew the two of us could be too easily drawn in by the blinking lights and other shiny things that video games use to Svengali and Rasputinize the unsuspecting, innocent citizenry. But there we were, in the Game Stop, buying the Wii and three games (Madden ’13 and Bigfoot for the boys; and Dance Dance Revolution for Grammie — please don’t picture it in your mind).

Actually, the shopping trip was fun. We took the boys with us so they could pick out their games. It was a true kid-in-the-candy-shop experience (for the Thriller as well). When we got home, they took to unpackin’ and settin’ up:

Jake was on batteries, the Thriller assembled hardware, and Justin read the instructions. :-)

Jake was on batteries, the Thriller assembled hardware, and Justin read the instructions. :-)


After a few stops and starts, the first game was underway:

They played and played. Then they put in the Madden game, and the three of them laughed as the Cleveland Browns were penalized for delay of game over and over and over because Jake couldn’t get the play selection made fast enough, HA. And art imitates life…

Happy Sumday! Before getting back to work this evening, I’m finally going to see Les Mis at the matinee with my cinementor, Tom Hanks. Reviewin’s brewin’.


Wise words from the Thriller

In order of importance:

  1. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  2. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  3. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  4. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  5. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  6. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  7. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  8. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  9. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  10. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.

Which one do you like best?

Happy Finkday!


Random Neuron Firings


So I wasn’t feeling the greatest at school yesterday afternoon. Came on me all-of-a-sudden like, around 11:00. I didn’t think much of it, but by the time high school choir got to my room at noon, I felt like a bag of goo.

Because of a mandatory meeting for students interested in post-secondary options for next year, I was down several troops for rehearsal last night. Then I received a message about two other people going down due to illness, so, against my stubborn nature, and at the stern encouragement of producer Stoney, I canceled rehearsal, came home and went to bed.

The last time I turned off my reading light at 9:00 p.m. and didn’t move until 4:40 a.m.? Hmmm. Long time. Can’t remember. But apparently it was needed, because I only feel half as ooky as I did last night. Score one for the good guys.

And speaking of good guys (not)…if I read another sports writer quoting Ravens players saying, “Win it for Ray,” I’m going to launch something. I don’t care if he didn’t actually do the deed (although the question persists: Where is your white designer suit, Ray? You know — the suit with the blood stains on it that everyone saw? The suit you say you “can’t find?”), he knows something. They all know something, and they owe it to the families of those two dead boys to produce it. We’re not talking about keeping a secret about an indiscretion, or someone saying something horrible about someone else. We’re talking about murder here. We’re talking about people in a limo who distinctly heard Ray say, “Y’all keep your mouths shut. I’m not losing my career this way.”

All right, enough. Not getting started on it, not getting started on it, not getting started on it. :P

Did you know it is now Thursday? This time yesterday morning, I thought the same thing. HA

Rat Fink, Rat Fink…


Thoughts on a Thursday

And these are thoughts I can barely stomach at 5:30 a.m. I mean, I got ooky watching this. Like, lose-your-appetite ooky.

Watch it all the way through — that is, if you don’t easily get woozed out. Even better: watch it full screen.


So last night at rehearsal, my mouth got ahead of my brain during a difficult passage in the music (that all were instructed to memorize), and I gave into a surge of frustration and annoyance. I accused the cast members of caring about everything in their lives except preparing for this show. It was dead silent in the room, but I’m sure I heard their thoughts: No, I’m just sitting here in your room at 8:30 at night when I could be doing a hundred other things — all because I don’t care about this show.

I’m sure it was spoken loud and clear in their cars on the way home. Nuts. Must rectify that tonight.

J’ever want to bonk yourself on the head for letting the emotions do the talking? Rat Fink, Rat Fink. What a donkey.

Happy Thurgsday, fiends — we’re almost to the weekend.

PS — I know it’s only Wednesday. Well, I didn’t originally. But I do now.


My wish

What do you wish today? If I could, I’d wave my magic wand and grant it.

Here’s a partial list of mine. Not complaining, mind — just, you know…if wishes were fishes and all.

I wish:

  1. we could time it so our pets would leave this world with us instead of before us. (Seamus and Hannah have to say goodbye to their sweet dog, Willow, this Friday. We’re all heartbroken.)
  2. we could all be forced to walk in the shoes of those less fortunate once in a while.
  3. I could spend more time with my three grandsons.
  4. Milky Way bars had like 15 calories.
  5. I had running water in my building at school.
  6. I didn’t have to get on a plane in order to visit Slovenia and the Netherlands. :-D
  7. there was more time to rehearse for this show (even though it seems like I’m at school every waking moment as it is).
  8. I knew why professed Christians say, “I’ll forgive, but I won’t forget,” when Jesus forgave and forgot. It was good enough for the son of God, but…?
  9. we could do that beaming-up thing from Star Trek.
  10. there was more time in the mornings to write to you. I could get up at 4…

Nah, maybe not. :P

Hey, it’s Tunesday, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep. As David Hartman used to say, (can anyone remember?)…