30 Day Challenge 26

Day 26
List three of your favorite films. Include a brief summary of the movies, or just the reason why you like them.

  1. The Godfather trilogy. Everyone knows it’s about a mob family, but to me, it’s a tragic tale of love, deceit, desperation and brokenness, all within a framework of violent protectionism. The family survives, no matter what, and the lengths (and depths) the characters risk to maintain the bloodline are limitless. Among my favorite movies ever.
  2. Somewhere in Time. Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. The quintessential magical romance novel come to life. Spent most of it bawling. Gorgeous music — Rachmaninoff, aided by Roger Williams. Get a bowl of popcorn and a box of Kleenex and enjoy it. Filmed in 1980, on location at Mackinac Island’s Grand Hotel, it’s a visually and aurally stunning picture of love lost and found — and time travel! I recommend it highly for all you romantics.
  3. Sweeney Todd. But you knew that. :-)

OK, let’s hear it. Give me some ideas for summer Netflix choices.

23 thoughts on “30 Day Challenge 26

  1. Stein

    1. Planet of the Apes, and sequels: Amazing satire on problems in today’s society addressed by a man’s struggle to survive in a culture of apes.

    2. Star ____ (Star Wars, Star Trek): Great continuity despite the incredible number of episodes and movies

    3. Lord of the Rings: Man-flesh.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I really need to bring myself to watch the Star Wars prequels. I just couldn’t embrace the new and different characters. The three SW films back in the 70s-80s were a cultural phenom — not like now, when space battle movies are commonplace. I need a paradigm shift. Back to the Netflix queue!

      You on summer break yet?

      1. Rat Fink Post author

        PS – I remember seeing the first Apes movie when I was around 10-11 years old. When Charlton Heston came upon the head of the Statue of Liberty, I about had a heart attack. SCARED TO DEATH. Heh heh..what a donkey.

  2. Meg's Mom

    Once again there are too many. Three isn’t enough so you get five. :)

    The King’s Speech – we just watched this last week and enjoyed every minute of it. It’s just a great film about a great story with great acting by Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush. I think this one is right up your alley, Fink. Definitely check this one out if you haven’t.

    Seven Pounds – this one makes you think. And cry.

    Les Miserables – with Liam Neeson. (I have not seen the musical) First of all I love Liam. I enjoy seeing his character transform through the film due to one simple act of kindness. And I think it’s cool how many parallels there are in the film to scripture.

    The Proposal – It’s. Just. Good. And funny!

    Pay it Forward – another think and cry movie.

  3. PKPudlin

    Saw ‘A Moment In Time’ years ago – Wonderful!!! I love Casablanca, The Wizard of Oz and Gone With The Wind, just because they’re vintage and schmaltzy, kind of like me.

    More recently:
    The Boy Who Could Fly – about growing up and surviving pain and loss. A very young Fred Savage is in it.

    The Shawshank Redemption – about perserverence and the law of Karma.

    Ocean’s (Eleven – Twelve – Thirteen) – just plain fun.

    Major League – Kind of Bad-News-Bears on an adult level. My favorite line is from that movie : “If you don’t help me now, I say ——, Jobu. I do it myself.”


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I haven’t seen ML since it was all the rage in Cleveland years ago. I need to watch it again!

  4. Suzanne

    Oh garsh, another head scratcher since there are many.

    Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind, It’s a Wonderful Life……

    Most recent ones are Avatar (didn’t see it in 3D but I think I enjoyed it just as much), Shutter Island

    I hope to see The King’s Speech soon!!

    And *blink blink* can you BELIEEEEVE that I haven’t seen ANY of the Godfather Films?????? Maybe I need to do that one rainy afternoon……

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Girl! You definitely must watch the Trilogy. I think you would like it. So H has never seen them, either?

      And “The King’s Speech” will delight you.

      I liked “Shutter Island” — beeeezzarrrrre

  5. Greg

    1. Harry Potter films–the grand-nephew of an old friend of mine plays Goyle.
    2. Shawshank Redemption–a former student of mine and another friend played extras in the film. Well-written and produced as well.
    3. The Queen–Helen Mirren does an excellent portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II.
    4. The Life of Brian–“Yes! Thwow him to the gwound again!”
    5. James Bond movies–good “escape from any reality” kind of films!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Haha — that’s OK, Meggly. I thought it “sounded” like you!

      I have indeed seen “The King’s Speech.” BFF Kay and I went to see it when it came out in the theaters. LOVED it.

  6. RD

    1. The King’s Speech.
    2. Hoosiers (of course). Though in the movie the names of the schools were changed, it was based on the triumphal state basketball championship season of a small school in Indiana (Milan). At that time there were no separate divisons for different sizes of schools, and the small school beat a large school for the state championship. I remember listening to that game on the radio.
    3. The Passion of the Christ. I was dismayed by the violence pictured against Jesus, but suspect that the real thing was even worse. Jesus sacrifically bore it all out of redemptive love for humans and for the world.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I’ve never seen “Passion of the Christ.” That needs to go on the list as well. And wasn’t “King’s Speech” fantastic??

  7. Country Mouse

    The Patriot – great story of patriotism and the tragedy of war
    Shawshank Redemption – I liked the book and like the move too
    My Dog Skip – a great story of an only child and his only dog – I can relate!
    Remember the Titans – I like sports movies and this one has the bonus of a good message – I heard Herman Boone speak last year at a conference – he was a better coach then he is a speaker!!

    1. Kodye

      Completely agree about The Patriot. If we were asked for our Top 5, this would of for sure made my list.

  8. Kodye

    1.) The Rules Of Attraction: An adaptation of a Brett Easton Ellis novel. It follows three art students, and their love triangle. It sounds boring, but I swear… craziest movie I’ve ever seen in my life.
    2.) Almost Famous: A 15 year old follows a famous rock band Stillwater, and writes an article about them for Rolling Stone. Written by Cameron Crowe, and based on his life when he was a 15 year old writer for Rolling Stone.
    3.) Jersey Girl: Best Affleck movie ever, and it almost killed his career. I know most people hate on Affleck, and this film, but really… great movie.

  9. Skylar

    1. The Green Mile – It’s a mix of spirituality and the supernatural, what’s morally right and what’s right according to the law…. I love it! I also want to punch Percy in the face.

    2. Pride and Prejudice (both with Garson/Olivier and Knightley/Mcfadyen) – If we could somehow get Keira Knightley’s Elizabeth and Olivier’s Darcy in one film it would be amazing.

    3. Star Trek films – AAAAAAH! I am a rather recent addition to the Trekker fold, but I can’t believe I resisted so long. XD Especially ST 2009 – they reintroduced the plot perfectly and allowed for new developments. Fan. Tastic.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I loved “The Green Mile” — both the book and the movie. I’ve read it twice and seen it several times. Excellent storytelling — vintage King.


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