30 Day Challenge 8

Rapid-fire responses today. See how many of these you can answer without phoning anyone for help. I will enjoy finding out yet more coolish facts about my RtB fiends. :-)

Day 8
When you were ten years old…

  1. In what city and state did you live? Brown Deer, Wisconsin
  2. What kind of car(s) did your parents drive? A ’67 Pontiac Catalina and a ’65 Chevy Impala
  3. What was the name of your elementary school? Algonquin Elementary
  4. What was your (5th grade) teacher’s name? Mrs. Rubin
  5. What was the name of the street where you lived? Silverleaf Lane
  6. What did your dad do for a living? Cost accountant, E.R. Wagner Mfg. Co.
  7. What were your favorite TV shows? “Bewitched,” “I Dream of Jeannie” and “Hogan’s Heroes” (I can still hear Dad laughing at Klink and Schultz)

Ready, steady, go!

21 thoughts on “30 Day Challenge 8

  1. Rae

    1. City – Mansfield, Ohio
    2. Parents Cars – Ford Escort ’90, Chev y Cavalier ’95
    3. Elementary School – Madison South
    4. 5th Grade Teacher – Mrs. Robinson
    5. Street name – Walker Ave.
    6. Dad’s work – Claim Officer, Bureau of Workers Compensation
    7. Favorite TV shows – Animaniacs (w/ Pinky and the Brain), Bugs Bunny

  2. Country Mouse

    1. North Fairfield, Ohio
    2. Not sure of the year but I’m pretty sure it was a Mercury Marquis. Red with a white top.
    3. South Central Elementary
    4. Mrs. Lauderman (yes THAT Mrs. Lauderman)
    5. Old State Road
    6. Grain Farmer
    7. Emergency, The Waltons, Little House on the Prarie

  3. PKPudlin

    Rats. Had my answer all written out and then promptly closed the window. Ack.
    1. We lived in Utica, NY
    2. My parents had a Chevy Galaxy 500 and a Studebaker my grandparents gave us.
    3. I attended Spring Street elementary. Just did a web search and it’s not there anymore :(
    4. I was in Mrs. Spring’s class.
    5. Our address was 108 Lyon Place.
    6. Dad was Pastor at Genesee St. Congregational Church. That’s gone too. :( :(
    7. We weren’t allowed too much TV – Dad and Mom insisted we read or play outside instead. Probably why I don’t watch TV now, but I did like Star Trek, and the Leonard Bernstein Young People’s Specials when they were broadcast.


    1. PKPudlin

      5th grade teacher was Mrs. Spring . School was Sunset Elementary, not Spring.

      And I mean the original Star Trek with Nimoy and Nurse Chapel and the alien ship made out of ping-pong balls.

      Brain, don’t fail me now…..

  4. Skylar

    1.In what city and state did you live? Greenwich, OH
    2.What kind of car(s) did your parents drive? A maroon Chevy van (mom’s first vehicle that later broke down in a car lot – good timing), and a green Chevy truck.
    3.What was the name of your elementary school? South Central Elementary
    4.What was your (5th grade) teacher’s name? Mrs. Smith
    5.What was the name of the street where you lived? Elmwood Drive
    6.What did your dad do for a living? He worked at a lime plant called Carmeuse. I thought it was a hilarious name.
    7.What were your favorite TV shows? I don’t remember, actually. O.o Probably Spongebob, maybe All Grown Up. I think this is when I started watching Little House on the Prairie, too.

  5. Helen

    LOL I also had all my answers written out and then closed the window! Sheesh!
    1. Cedar Creek, Texas
    2. We had a Honda civic station wagon and a Datsun
    3. Mina Elementary
    4. Mr. Vance & Mrs. Malek
    5. North Mockingbird Circle
    6. Special education teacher
    7. I also wasn’t allowed to watch TV very often, which also may be the reason I don’t watch much now, like RTB friend PK. One show that I did watch, and LOVED, was Reading Rainbow!

  6. BoomR

    1. Waterloo, IA
    2. Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Station Wagon
    3. Orange Elementary
    4. Melvina Chambers (yes…Melvina!! :-) )
    5. Lichty Blvd.
    6. Band director – West Waterloo HS
    7. Star Trek!!!!!, Bonanza, Hogan’s Heroes , Land of the Giants, Ironside, Mission: Impossible, Green Acres (“Daaahling, I love you, but give me 5th Avenue!”)

    1. BoomR

      PS to all you young whipper-snappers on RtB: The Star Trek which I cite is the ORIGINAL ST (not DS9, not Next Gen, not Voyager). Yes…I’m THAT old….

  7. Steve-0

    1.In what city and state did you live? Adario, ohio
    2.What kind of car(s) did your parents drive? Mercury Grand Marquis & a ’72 Chevy pick-up.
    3.What was the name of your elementary school? Ashland Christian School
    4.What was your (5th grade) teacher’s name? Mrs. Stansfield
    5.What was the name of the street where you lived? Olivesburg-Fitchville Rd
    6.What did your dad do for a living? Street Department, City of Ashland
    7.What were your favorite TV shows? Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, perhaps (I don’t know if the year lines up correctly) Mork & Mindy

  8. Greg

    Oops! Pushed the wrong key!!
    1. Norwalk, Ohio
    2. Ford–Station Wagon
    3. St. Mary’s Elementary School
    4. Sr. M. Bernarda, Mrs. Olive Franz, Mrs. Rachel Evans
    5. Marian Drive
    6. Mechanic – A.J. Baltes Construction Company
    7. Barnaby (local program from Cleveland), Mr. Jingaling (local program from Cleveland), Jackie Gleason, Red Skelton–we didn’t watch that much TV–we mostly played outside or in the basement!

  9. Suzanne

    In what city and state did you live? Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
    What kind of car(s) did your parents drive? Buick Station Wagon and a VW
    What was the name of your elementary school? Fancher Elementary
    What was your (5th grade) teacher’s name? Mrs. Jeppesen
    What was the name of the street where you lived? W. Cherry Street
    What did your dad do for a living? Band director, MPHS
    What were your favorite TV shows? Partridge Family, Brady Bunch, Jackson 5, I Love Lucy, Ed Sullivan, Walt Disney, others that have already been mentioned

  10. Bando

    1. In what city and state did you live? Ohio City, Ohio
    2. What kind of car(s) did your parents drive? Chevy Grand Prix, Chevy Silverado
    3. What was the name of your elementary school? Ohio City-Liberty Elementary
    4. What was your (5th grade) teacher’s name? Mrs. Bills/Mr. Johnson
    5. What was the name of the street where you lived? Glenmore Road
    6. What did your dad do for a living? Guidance Counselor, Lincolnview Jr./Sr. High
    7. What were your favorite TV shows? I wasn’t much of a TV watcher – don’t think we even had cable yet. Maybe “Home Improvement” and “America’s Funniest Home Videos”?

  11. Lars

    1. Ashland, OH
    2. Chevy Van, Ford Taurus
    3. Osborn Elementary
    4. Mrs. Hay
    5. Diamond St.
    6. Band Director (k-12)
    7. Fresh Prince, Saved by the bell (still watchin’ em!)

      1. Rat Fink Post author

        Hmm…I think that might have been before he was 10, Boom Boom. It’s been so long, I don’t know!

  12. Kodye

    In what city and state did you live? Greenwich, OH
    What kind of car(s) did your parents drive? A silver one. A big wide silver one.
    What was the name of your elementary school? South Central
    What was your (5th grade) teacher’s name? Mrs. Lauderman
    What was the name of the street where you lived? Seminary
    What did your dad do for a living? Welder, MTD
    What were your favorite TV shows? WWF Monday Night Raw, Dexter’s Labratory, Boy Meets World

  13. Rat Fink Post author

    Well look at all this…Ohio, New York, Michigan, Texas, Wisconsin, Iowa…

    And Kodye (twentysomething) had the same 5th grade teacher as Country Mouse (not twentysomething, or thirtysomething either). :P

    Loved reading these. And Lars — I still have the opening theme of “Saved By the Bell” memorized.


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