
We’re down to the happy wire, fiends. Last night’s high school concert marked the end of the school Christmas gigs. Now it’s just the fun stuff for the remaining “performance” (a quick flash mob at a local grocery this Sunday, followed by chili at my house for the mobbers), then hello, Christmas break. Family in the house! Grammie kisses for grandchildren. Love the thought of it.

Now to keep my HS choir from lying down on the floor in protest. “Time to get out choir tour music.” Ah, I can see the faces now…

Heh heh.

4 thoughts on “4/5

  1. David

    I just cannot help but think what a Blessing you are to all the kids all these years! Through those kids you touch countless people with the Joy of music! You’re good…no, you’re the Best! :)

    Sincerely proud to call you Friend enjoy your much deserved break! Love Ya!

    1. Rat Fink Post author


      Thanks, David Lee Roth. I surely do feel privileged to work with these kids. I always tell them (to the point of annoyance, I’m sure) that their primary job is to bless people. I think they did that on Tuesday, and I’m delighted! Now to think about that break…YAY!


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yes! Someone is going to come do the video thing. Not sure where it’ll end up (FB, YT…), but I’ll definitely post the link! :-)


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