
Hey, guess what. :-D

It’s funny that choral directors talk about the Christmas season in past tense, when Christmas hasn’t even arrived yet. But there you have it. Done and done, and now it’s all — wait. It’s all arrange music for spring, choreograph a tap routine…but truth be told, I love it. It’s a good way to spend some time off.

Yesterday, I ran around the town with 12 awesome teenagers who sang in three different locations, then came back to feed them at my house. It was wonderful and special, and fun was had by all.

And now we rest. Christmas Eve is the next gathering, and I’m looking forward to that.

So, the new RtB digs. What do you think? There could be more changes; I’m not 100% sold on this one, although I think it’s pretty. Not sure it’s me, and not sure how I will incorporate my new logo on it. I will be goofing around with it over the next couple of weeks, so if you happen to check in and everything looks helter-skelter and higgeldy-piggeldy, you’ll know why.

But for now — Christmas is coming! The goose is getting fat! (So are the Fink and the Thriller, yikes…gotta get back on the wagon.)

Holiday hugs to all my fiends this day.

3 thoughts on “5/5

  1. David

    First, Congrats on getting through the meat-grinder schedule and doing so with panache (loved the Flash Mob video).

    Not sure why but the new digs for RtB makes me want to break out in some Moody Blues…say, “Nights in white satin, never reaching the end, Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send.” Not a bad thing…just sayin.

    Relax…enjoy…be Blessed…tap later! Merry Christmas! :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      It does have a bit of the hippie vibe, doesn’t it? I guess that’s what drew me to it!

      Glad you liked the vid — they are awfully nice kids, and talented. I need to remember that every time I complain about my job, right?? Merry Christmas, Dave — hugs!

  2. RD

    Congratulations on a successful Fiddler musical and another high energy Christmas season. You do more than just “teach.” You do that well, but you also invest in the lives of your students. None of my teachers every had me to their home for a meal. I’ll watch with great interest as you continue to tinker with the design of your new “digs.” I’m pretty much brain dead when it comes to doing anything creative, and I’m speaking tomorrow night. I hope some inspiration comes soon! A very Merry Christmas season to you and the Thriller.


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