Looking good

I’d say this looks pretty good for a 78-year-old man. Wouldn’t you?

Of course, it’s likely Photoshopped to the hilt, and who knows if it’s even his body or not, but the face is pretty close to what I’ve seen in recent candids. Some guys have all the luck, eh?

Although I do wonder what he’s doing in the Bahamas on a seemingly perfect, 90-100-degree day, wearing long pants and a sweater. Just sayin’.

Have a nice Saturday.

Photo credit: Best Life magazine, March 2009 back cover, Vuitton ad

5 thoughts on “Looking good

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      You got it, Suz. Who cares anyway? Besides, would I be a terrible person if I said I think Vuitton stuff is not beautiful?

  1. RD

    Though I’m not yet 78, that could be me in Florida in ten days. I’m sure I won’t be wearing long sleeves and pants. My circulation is not that bad (yet), so I’m planning on short sleeves and shorts the whole time. Gotta work on my tan! And, I’ll be think of you!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Oh thanks a LOT! Go ahead, rub it in. I’ll have you know that in 10 days, I’ll be …. well, I’ll be buried in rehearsals and studying. Um. OK, I got nothin’.


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