10 thoughts on “A sum for you

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      The day kind of blew, Mave — but the rehearsal went well! (I headed for the Aleve the second I got home, though, HA)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      *ding ding* You are the Grand Prize Winner — which means you get to come spend a couple of days at MY HOUSE in November! Waaaaaaaahooooooooooooo!

  1. BoomR

    “Thunderbolt & lightning…very, very frightening ME”

    Rou-u-sseau! Rou-u-sseau! Rou-u-sseau!

    Rou-u-sseau! Rou-u-sseau! Figaro!!!



    1. BoomR

      Well, RATS! The blog truncated my “spacing” **sigh**

      …well, it was my warped sense of humor & thought that counted, right???



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