I’m on my way back to another school year, BoomR is on his way to Venice…where are you bound today?
I haven’t had a moment to reflect on this past summer, as is my wont on the first day of school (no kids till Wednesday, though). For now, the biggest issue is staying the course this year, in many ways. Lots of changes coming up for my colleagues and me. Nothin’ like jumping in head first.
The crazy weekend was good. Did I mention it was crazy? Haven’t stopped since Friday morning. My freezer got the full Monty, though. Between Saturday night and Sunday night, I managed to prepare and pack away the following dinners, at least twice each, sometimes more:
- salmon filets
- salmon cakes
- salmon for salads
- Chicken Romano
- Italian meatballs
- Boston cod filets
It should last us over two weeks. If not, well, back into the kitchen I go. I will perfect this, I swear.
And now, time for war paint and hitting the road. Have a good week, fiends!
Hopefully, this will be a good year, sweetie. It will definitely be a busy one for you! You keep to that cooking schedule and you’ll have it down pat! Lots of good meals you listed. You’re an awesome cook, so I bet they will be satisfying for you and Thriller, too.
Thanks again for today!!! Love you!
I sure hope busy=good this year! And if nothing else, we’ll eat well, haha!
And we did have a great time yesterday — we always do! (Well, unless we include shopping in the plans…that ensures a torrential downpour, LOL)
LOVING your menu! We’ll have to have a long e-chat when I get back. I want to pick your brain more about your new meal regiment, including reducing the wheat products/doing the gluten-free thing. I have been having a heck of a time with my right hip – judging by what’s happening to me, it may be very closely aligned to what you were experiencing a while back. I recall you mentioning that you were experiencing a LOT less discomfort and greater mobility since you’ve been on your current eating regiment. When I get back, we must DISH (in more ways than one).
Break the proverbial leg on your first week! Luv U!
Thanks, Boom Boom! And I would love to chat this up with you when you get back.
I’m tellin’ ya…reducing our sugar and wheat intake to bare-bones has been the best thing ever. I can actually sit “Indian style” now (as bad as that is for the hip joints) with almost no discomfort — something I haven’t been able to do for years. The other benefits are numerous as well. And it’s not just because of the weight loss, either; we both felt tons better from the get-go. Let’s palaver when you get home — I know this will help your arthritis!
Post photos of beautiful Venice and the Mediterranean…so jealous! I’d love to go back there.
Menu looks good and healthy. So glad that you’re staying with it even with the hectic pace of another school year beginning. You asked where we were off to. I’m not off to any place, I’m just off. Hope you have a super duper school year, even with all of the uncertainties and changes.
Thanks, and you most certainly have been off to many places — on two wheels! And yeah, you’re just “off.” But that’s one of your most endearing qualities. You know, birds of a feather and all…

Ok Rat Fink have the best of years this school year…you are the finkiest and I am sure your students are blessed because of that. Menu looked good unless you do not like salmon which I do not but it sounds like putting this all together was no problem for you.
Where am I off too…anywhere i want to be, that’s how us pensioners roll.
Actually in 5 weeks Liz and I are off to Ireland and Scotland for two weeks. This has been on the bucket list for some time and it was time to pull the trigger. Will get to see the origin of Liz’s people in Kilkenny, Ireland and see this cathedral which they were instrumental in building http://www.stcanicescathedral.com
Be Blessed!
Thanks, friend — and YAY for the trip to Ireland/Scotland! That’s on my list, too. How cool for you to take her. How long did you keep it secret? And that church is beautiful.
Pictures on Facebook, I hope! Keep us all posted, and roll on, good pensioner. LOL
I surprised her with the trip on her birthday this July…she had no idea…major points for me if you know what I am saying saying.
We will post pics on fb as we go.