Back to hating Mondays.

  1. I took Rousseau for a walk at 6:45 this morning, thinking it would be cooler and less muggy and I would feel less like a wrung-out dish rag when we got back. Wrong.
  2. I have the worst case of hiccups — ever.
  3. I have no idea why the fact that people keep clicking on ridiculous Facebook survey scams bothers me so much, but it does.
  4. I’m starting DT choreography today, but I have no idea what the production number will be, so…
  5. The Thriller just left to take the Finkmobile in to the dealership garage for the third time, for the same problem. The word “lemon” is starting to creep into my consciousness.
Other than that, it’s a GREAT Monday so far. How goes this morning for you?

7 thoughts on “Back to hating Mondays.

  1. Suzanne

    Garsh I am sorry that the heat is so awful!!!! I don’t miss summers there in the Midwest at all! I’d rather have the dry heat of the desert anyday.

    So far a fairly lazy day for us, went and got groceries, H attempted to dig a big hole for drainage in the backyard but that didn’t work much. I have to get the pics from the laptop onto the PC and then I will post away!

  2. PKPudlin

    Yeah, it’s beastly outside for sure. 9:30 in the morning and already 85 degrees here. We’re supposed to get a ‘break’ today – only up to 94 instead of 107 like it was this weekend.

    Sorry to hear about your car. Perhaps a scathing letter to the manager of the dealership? A mentioning of a Diva Fit in the lobby of the dealership (not in the shop, but in the dealers lobby where all the potential customers can witness your frustration and dissatisfaction and think twice about buying… muhaahahahahaaaaa….) might be in order. Like my momma always says: sometimes you have to get a bigger hammer.


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I did indeed write a letter (an email, actually) that said, in part:

      “I need three things to happen. 1) You will schedule a time first thing when I return for me to bring in the car. 2) You will provide me with a loaner vehicle, free of charge. 3) This entire enterprise has to cost me $0.”

      And sure enough, they called me and agreed to all three stipulations. This is a small town dealership, and pretty much everyone knows everyone. My son used to work there, and my kids went to school with the owner’s kids. My hope is that they will really give it an extra looksee this time, and really fix it. That’s what I’m banking on, anyhow!

  3. Country Mouse

    Welcome home from you vacation adventure. Vacations are awesome but the post-vacation “reentry” can be brutal!!!!! Sounds like you had a great time though!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      We did have a great time! I thought about you a lot as we drove past many crop fields that didn’t make it due to flooding or drought. Hope everything’s going well out there on the farm. We have to catch up!

  4. RD

    I mowed lawns from 9:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. today using a push mower. It was muggy hot, but not as bad as last Wednesday and Thursday. I drank almost a gallon of water and sweat profusely (in case your interested in that detail). Tomorrow morning, I’ll be working inside enjoying AC and than have lunch with a colleague (more AC). But, in the afternoon or early evening, I have to mow my own yard. Hope your car problem gets solved and the lemon turns into lemonade.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Ew, sweaty boys! GROSS

      Mowing one lawn makes me tired; I can’t imagine mowing for 8 hours. AC for me any day! I’ll keep you posted on the car shenanigans.


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