But seriously.

Groupon needs to stop sending me emails. So does Vat19. And Etsy, and Zulily, and Romwe and eShakti, and STAAHHHHHHPPPP!

I have no self-control. I’m pathetic. OK, I keed. It’s not that bad (yet), but it sure is easy to click that “Buy” button more often than not. It’s all right; I can quit anytime I want.

Non sequitur…

I read an interesting article this morning on having a critical spirit. Good stuff, and it’s advice for all, because none are exempt from some of the characteristics that make up a negative outlook. And as the article states, the online environment has pretty much facilitated the spread of negativity. The piece is basically a primer on how to be nice.

It was an interesting companion to another article, posted on Facebook by a former student, now in her 20s. I *almost* posted a comment on the author’s site, but thought better of it, because, you know, my tone would have come across as a bit critical. :P Seriously though, this gal cornered the market on “Give me what I want for once, and don’t ask me questions or try to engage me in conversation about myself, and don’t even TRY to use your imagination and get a gift that is different or distinct, or something that you think I might really appreciate, because I won’t appreciate it if it’s not exactly what I want, so just shut up and give me what I want for godsake.”  Granted, that’s a generous paraphrase, but I calls ’em like I sees ’em. That’s how it came across in tone and intent. Spoiled bratism.

Here’s the old adage you won’t be surprised to read: It didn’t used to be that way. The other day, I saw this on my Twitter feed:

Of course it’s true, yes, and it was true back in 1975, when I was the age of the girl who retweeted this. Heck, it was true in 1965. But again — back in my day, and that “day” wasn’t that awfully long ago — I wouldn’t be caught dead saying something like Don’t you idiot adults get it? HERE is what teenagers want for Christmas! in the school newspaper, or in a public forum of any kind. Why? Because disrespect and arrogance disguised as “teenage honesty” didn’t fly. When my sons were in school, and we’d have a row of sorts during which they’d get a bit too close to insubordinate for my taste, I’d say something like, “You can tell me you’re mad at me or my decisions, but you better find another way of saying so.” Not that I was Supermom or anything, because I wasn’t, but I was — and still am — married to the belief that you can disagree with authority figures without slinging mud or being a tiresome, insolent d***he. That, to me, is how Miss “Literally, Darling” comes across in her article:  Help us get our acts together, but don’t make it seem like you’re giving us advice on what to do in order to get our acts together. Girl — get your act together.

I dunno…maybe it’s just me being an old-fashioned hag. Rat Fink, Rat Fink. What a donkey.

Band concert at the school today, yee haw! Looking forward to it, although I’d be fibbing if I said I wasn’t planning to check the Browns score every once’t in a while from my perch up in the light booth…

Happy Sumday!

13 thoughts on “But seriously.

  1. PKPudlin

    Ah, yes. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    My girls were encouraged to speak their minds, but they’d better be respectful while they were doing it, otherwise it all goes out the window.

    Gawd knows I was no Super-Mom either – my girls became the superior human beings they are in *spite* of me, rather than *because* of me, but this sense of entitlement just goes too far in their generation (and the next!), especially because it is devoid of any kind of respect for anyone or anything. It’s a kind of tunnel-vision. I’ve had to call out some of my students for speaking to their parents in a disrespectful way in my presence. Don’t do it when I’m around – I’ll nail ya.

    Proud to be Another Old-Fashioned Hag

  2. David

    Well said!
    I realize that I am blazing toward 70 years old at warp speed so I do my best to keep my “old geezer” attitudes in check, most days. My sons think I am pretty hip when it comes to understanding their generations likes and dislikes. That said, there are a few things this latest generation could use some schooling on, like respect and simple common courtesy…they are sadly missing in my opinion. Now I realize that all generalizations are false…even this one; so I am really not trying to point the finger and say “you guys,” it is just an observation.
    Happened to me three days ago…I was in the Big City needing to set some test kits for measuring moisture content within the concrete slab on an upcoming project. As a courtesy I stopped in the construction shack to say hi, introduce myself to the Project Superintendent and let him know what I was up to on site. “Mike” was a sharp, late 20-something that immediately launched into “the dance.” The dance is a testosterone filled, macho ca-macho, verbal dance to let me know he is in charge…it is so funny to watch and something my gender has never gotten a handle on. So I let him do his thing and watched as he spouted out acronyms intended to demonstrate his construction site guy vocabulary…I nearly laughed out loud. When I explained that the particular calcium chloride test I was going to do was in fact the oldest, most affordably reliable test and that I had been in the business 40 years this month…he said “Oh.” Was not my first rodeo.
    You remember this song by Mike & the Mechanics? I think it is at least 25 years old. Your post reminded me that: “Every generation blames the one before, and all their frustrations come beating on your door.”

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      The Living Years — I loved Mike + the Mechanics. Still can’t listen to that without bawling!

      You sound like you handle jerks pretty easily. Do you find that sometimes it’s easier to just let them have their say, and live in their little dream world, than fight with them point-on-point? I’ve often felt that some folks are right, even if they’re wrong. Knowwhatimean?

      1. David

        It is absolutely easier sometimes to simply let them go on and on. I don’t know that I handle those exhibiting jerk-like tendencies easily; I just believe that when there is a possible “battle” at hand, I am the one that gets to decide whether I will engage or not.
        Remember Proverbs 26…tells us there is a time to answer and a time to let it go…I have gotten pretty good at knowing the when and how.
        Remind me sometime to tell you the “Rage Against the Machine” story.

  3. RD

    Methinks we can thank Dr Spock and his disciples (a lot of whom are parents) for this. Most of these parents probably wanted to be good parents so they followed the latest guru. Sadly they were misguided. — in my humble opinion.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I have yet to read any of his books, but I’m curious now as to what all he says. I’ve heard over the years that he was pro-“let them discover their own personal boundaries themselves” or whatever, and reduced parenting roles to more facilitator than heavy influence through discipline and life lessons. I must say I’m completely old-school on that front.

      While I support a young person’s right to discover his/her own style and identity, I think that over the past few decades, we’ve lost sight of the importance (in my mind, anyway) of decorum, deference, respect and discretion. It’s anything goes now, just like, I dunno…the Roman days? Babylon? Seems to me the parents were still the heads of the household, even back then. It’s something more recent; probably starting with the deterioration of the nuclear family.

  4. Suzanne

    One of the reasons I didn’t want to become a teacher here in the NL was the shocking way kids treat their elders here and the way that elders seem to love it. The Child is King here. Uuuhh nope no thanks. I was a pretty strict teacher (gee imagine expecting kids to do their homework and be responsible during lessons and if they didn’t there were consequences?). Don’t think that sort of thing flies here.

    I join you in the Old-Fashioned Hag Club! You be Da Prez :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Girl…it’s unfortunately becoming a worldwide trend. :-( I put up a two-sided picture a while ago, depicting a teacher at her desk, and the parents shouting, “EXPLAIN THESE TERRIBLE GRADES!” — at the kid.

      It was labeled “1960s.”

      The matching photo has the same yelling and same caption, but the parents are now yelling at the teacher — and the label is “2010.”

      I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard of (or heard with my own ears) kids saying, “My mom’s calling the principal and telling him/her I don’t have to do that assignment/serve that detention/whatever.” It’s incredible. I’ve had more parents lie to me as to why a kid missed a concert than I care to remember.

      Of course, there are millions of fantastic parents too — but sometimes, their good deeds get overshadowed by the stupidity, ya know?


  5. Suzanne

    I remember that two-sided cartoon. Ain’t THAT the truth. *frown*

    Agree about the good students and parents and unfortunately they don’t get the credit they deserve because the Bad Apples get all of the attention.

    *mumble bah humbug* but HEY it’s almost Holiday Vacation I bet you can’t wait. :)


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