Category Archives: Summer 2011 – Western US

Twenty-three days…

…twenty-two states. It was nothing short of awesome.

This morning, we’ll drive a few more hours, then we’re back home. I have a truckload of pictures to upload to Picasa — that is, after we cart in the truckload of luggage, gifts, food, computers and other sundries that have lived in our car for the last three weeks, and of course, after putting my feet up on the couch, turning on the air conditioning, and catching up on the last two episodes of True Blood I missed.

Speaking of missing — longer than three weeks, as I alluded to in a previous post, might be just a hair too lengthy of an absence for my liking. Last year, I think we were gone 17 days, and it was fine. This time, I found myself flirting with weariness on occasion. I didn’t like that. I think I just missed my family and friends (and the dog). I’ll also admit that music and choreography for Dinner Theatre occupied my brain more than once. I need to get back to my routine.

But all of that doesn’t diminish the absolutely fantastic, life-changing experiences we had this trip. We saw so much beauty; it was sometimes hard to take it all in. What a gas! It was fabulous all around. And thanks to all my RtB fiends for reading, commenting, and following along.

Next summer: the New England Odyssey. Plans are already forming. :-)

Fink, homeward bound

Absolute high point

I don’t mean altitude-wise, of course, but rather the time we spent with Daddy and Kathy.

Between great conversation over Mexican food and hearing some awesome guitar playing, we exchanged lots of hugs and discussed plans for them to come north so the Thriller and I can throw a party in their honor. We think it just might be doable sometime — I hope it’s soon.

Their property on Houston Lake in rural Mississippi is peaceful and serene. We loved staying there. And Kathy’s two four-legged children are adorable:

It was hard to leave. But I’m clinging to the excitement of a reunion. Can’t wait.

So, it’s one and done for us, fiends. We stop in Indiana tonight, then we’re home by tomorrow afternoon. I hope Rousseau remembers us!



Hello my fiends, and I apologize for the gap; internet service up here in the mountains is iffy at times.

We’ve had a great stay in Colorado. Some quick highlights:


Our stay in the little suite at the Columbine Inn was delightful as well. We’ve been dreading today, though. Longest drive of the trip — all the way to Kansas City. Ick.

See you on the other side! I hope everyone’s having a great weekend.

Fink (and the Thriller) on the road

Vegas II

You know…we love Vegas, but maybe on future visits we’ll just limit it to one day. More sensory overload. Still, we had a great time, and saw cool stuff, to include the Show in the Sky at the Rio. The Strip has changed a lot, and there’s always construction of new properties going on. Hence, there are always driving issues.

So off we go today, back on the NP trail, to the antithesis of Vegas: Grand Junction, Colorado, where we’ll visit the Colorado National Monument. Going to see some bigtime mesas. Then we’ll retire to the hotel and maybe take in a movie (I’m not going to see Harry Potter until the crowds die down a bit).

Happy Finkday! Bring on the weekend. I hope it’s relaxing for all.


Yes, it’s gawdy and overcommercialized and ridiculous, but we love it. Where else can you see a flashy, multimillion-dollar casino flanked by a McDonald’s, and surrounded by a crush of humanity the likes of which is not seen outside of India?

We decided to revisit the same hotel we stayed at on our honeymoon: the Rio Suites on Flamingo Road, right off the Strip. For $48 a night, we get a roomy suite with a sectional sofa, a parlor off the bathroom area, double marble sinks, and a table and chairs. What a deal, eh? Of course, everyone knows that they give these insane deals on hotels in order to get you to the casino floor. They did exactly that, and we spent our little egg of gambling money and left.

Since we didn’t stay on the Strip (and we gambled at the Rio and the Palms — also not on the main drag), we’re going to put on our walking shoes today and check out the shops and sights. Maybe we’ll catch the Fremont Street laser light show tonight as well. Maybe not.

It’s early to bed tonight to spend a travel day tomorrow. We need to make it to Grand Junction in enough time to rest our sit bones for the next leg of the journey.

We have to be honest here, too: we’re looking forward to coming home. Already, Dinner Theatre is sneaking into my thoughts, as is shopping for choir music and getting things ready for school. I have to shove the nasty details out of my brain, or they’ll trouble my sleep every night from here on out. Blah!

What day is it?


PS – HERE is the shirt I bought, silly people.