Christmas Eve RNF

Random Neuron Firings

One of my students (I must admit, the kid is hilarious), dressed up as the dreaded You-Know-Who for the high school basketball game last night. I’m sure it was a hoot. (WordPress is being silly today; here’s the link to the larger version.)

So, is everyone where they need to be? It’s not an incredibly busy day for us here. Tonight is when the action starts, so I’ve got time to get my list of jobs done before family arrive at 6. Chances are, since it’s Christmas Eve & all, you might not have had the chance to visit Finkville, so I will wait patiently for all the fantastic details of your holiday. I sure hope no one had to work today.

So, I see that the American Christmas Spirit is alive and well, as Air Jordans have hit the stores. Clever Nike, waiting until Friday to do it. Idiots. They knew what was going to happen. I have an idea: only release them online, and let the bandwidth gods decide who gets them and who doesn’t. That might, at least, reduce the likelihood of someone being killed (again) over a pair of tennis shoes.

But hey, it’s Christmas Eve; let’s not snark, shall we? It’s a happy day! It’s not nearly often enough when I get most of the family together in one place. Only ones MIA will be the Texas contingent. :-( I miss them.

So off I go to make ready the house and food for the festivities. Mavis, Hannah and Simone brought over their gifts to add to ours, and the tree is now dwarfed (not that it wasn’t a dwarf in the first place). This weekend is not “about” the gifts; we all know that. It sure does look festive for awhile, though. The colors and lights at 6 a.m., when all is dark and quiet…it’s a beautiful sight. It makes me want to have a shortbread cookie and some Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. I think I will do just that.

Then I gotta get to work. Mavis arrives to cook at 3, and the celebration begins. Yay!

Merry Christmas Eve!

4 thoughts on “Christmas Eve RNF

  1. Lori

    A very happy Christmas to you and yours! This is the first year in our family when all the schedules and family visits are not going to line up. Between the elder son’s work schedule and the daughter’s boyfriend’s mother, Christmas will not quite live up to this momma’s wishes. That’s the way it goes, and I suppose I’m thankful that we’ve all been together up to this point. Cleaning and baking today, singing at the Christmas Eve service tonight, party at Mark and Ingrid (Beckel) Robisons– remember them? They’re our “besties!” Peace and much joy to you as you celebrate with loved ones!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I do remember the Robisons! Give them my greetings, OK?

      And I’m sorry you don’t get your babies around you this Christmas. :-( I remember the days of being young (with a young family) and trying to fit in everyone’s celebrations, and ending up being on the road all day long. Now the tides have reversed, and my children are doing all the running. I feel bad for them, having to divide their time, but I also know they like to take time to have a celebration just for themselves, which I think is important. Grammie and Grandpa Thriller don’t need to be all up in their Christmas morning, taking photos.

      Still, I’m glad you’ve had some together time with your kids — Merry Christmas to you as well!

  2. Will

    Have a Merry Christmas. I’m doing my yearly Christmas Marathon, as always Elf free even though I know I can get tons of snark out of it. Instead, settling for some other… less than pleasant Holiday creations.


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