Creak, groan, happy.

Fiends. I just might be getting too old for this, but I’d go out happy.

Dinner Theatre went quite well, and I’m so grateful to and proud of everyone — cast, crew, wait staff, parent volunteers, musicians, technical staff…it was a blast. And now it’s back to real life for awhile. And by “real life,” I mean Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Grease auditions.

But that’s all good stuff, too. Especially the family part. I just hope my grandchildren remember what I look like.

So, this morning (after swallowing a fistful of Aleve for every single one of my aching joints, oi) I’m having coffee at Bux with BFF Kay, then coming home to …well…relax until school starts up again tomorrow.

What is this relax of which I speak?

3 thoughts on “Creak, groan, happy.

  1. BoomR

    YEAH…rigth…**sheehs**… you…. relax…. [[rolling eyes]]

    SOOooo glad that the show went well! I wish I could have been there!!!



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