Cut the sashimi

RtB fiend Stein is getting married next month, and he was responsible for ordering the cake. I have a suggestion for a possible substitute, because I’m helpful like that:

Wedding Tuna!

Yummy. You’re welcome.

So last night, my high school ensembles had their spring concert. Don’t tell them this, but I think it ranks right up there with some of the most enjoyable performances of my career. The kids brought it in all facets: musicianship, stage presence, focus, balance & blend, intonation. Nice.

One down, three to go. I predict I will make it.

6 thoughts on “Cut the sashimi

  1. Mavis

    I swear I saw the eye move on that tuna. Let’s open up a dead fish before the honeymoon. Eww.

    I was at the concert last night and, I must say it was one of the best I’ve had the pleasure to attend! The music was magnificent and the kids sounded like pros singing it. Berd, they should give you an award. You bring out the best in your students. I’m so proud of you.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey thanks, Mavis! I’m glad you liked the music. I think I even liked it a little.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      You mean of the concert? Yikes, no. I never think of that until it’s too late! I know someone who filmed it though…I’m on the case!

      1. BoomR

        Exactly! Of the concert! You probably wouldn’t get enough battery life to record front-to-back (and there’s a limitation that Flip will only record for an hour – then you have to hit “record” again)… BUT would be nice to see/hear the kiddos! :-)

  2. Stein

    Good lord. The cuts of tuna actually looked pretty good. No worries, though. It shall be a good old American cake, cholesterol and all.


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