Well now, I’m ticked, but relieved. WordPress borked this morning during an update — never a good thing. Note to self: back up the database this day.
My DNGH site of the day: PolitiFact.com
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I was stuck there last night for an hour when I should have been writing rhythm section parts for my show. Finally, a true bird’s-eye view, with no hands in anyone’s pockets. This site is the work of some hardcore philomaths in St. Petersburg FL. They separate wheat from chaff, total crap from half-truth, real facts from “pants on fire” lies. Both political parties inherit a smackdown, as do political pundits and news-show talking heads, both lefty and righty. CNN, MSNBC and FOX all get slapped.
It brought to mind the ease with which we believe our favorite people in the media and in Congress, and mindlessly accept their “facts” as gospel. Well this site ranks right up there with Snopes in my book. And how convenient: Ohio is one of their recent focus states.
The fact that the site won a Pulitzer for reporting doesn’t hurt their credibility, either.
I would give examples and expound (because I always have an opinion, you know), but…refer to the 2nd sentence.
Happy Thurgsday. I will enjoy it, since I’m probably going to have a sixth snow day tomorrow. Will winter never end? I think so.
You know, I hate to burst your bubble on PolitiFact.com….but:
Facts are stubborn things
Rachel Maddow discusses the show’s policy of correcting errors and demonstrates why she is owed one from Politifact.com.
I’ll give ya that one, luvy. Even Pulitzer winners can drop the ball, I guess.
And I’m not on about Rachel Maddow or any of the CNN bunch. You need to know I hate them all equally: FOX, the big 3, CNN, MSNBC, and all the other money-grubbing acronyms out there that purport to be news shows. Same goes for the New York Times and the Washington Post; ain’t none of ’em concerned with content over cash.
I think the only one I really trust any more is Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert LOL
Look, forget what politicians and pundits SAY because we all know they can’t be trusted. Rather, go to the best source to find out how and why they do what they do- meaning who’s pulling their strings:
Duly noted!